Jul 04, 2007 03:51
aydin and i went to the "legal" wall to drink a steel reserve and have one of our lovely evenings and when we got there we were greeted by a fellow with a hat who told us we couldn't be there...
"since when" i said. fuckers. it's the legal wall.
he said that it had recently become private property.
"why" little me asked.
because apparently, and this is a fucking shocker, too many things were being broken. apparently windows? what windows? i have never seen windows at the legal wall. and now there's some silly little sign that says 'no trespassing' (it looks like they picked it up at the midtown mall)
we walk away disappointed. then i start to wonder...
why was there a guy at the legal wall at 2am, telling us that we couldn't be there? not just any guy, a guy wearing a death metal t-shirt with long hair and a dirty hat...? i asked aydin these questions....he said "velma, you ask too many questions"
maybe i do. but why is some scruffy douche bag enforcing these supposedly new rules? and why wouldn't they take down the old signs which basically say "hey! you can do whatever the fuck you want here! just not to the right of this sign"???
none of this makes very much sense to me. but mr. ture got a nasty vibe from the dude and thinks he was telling people they weren't allowed to be there because he was doing something naughty....who can be sure.
regardless of our disappointment of the no longer "free" space, we drank our steel reserve in the back lot of the village gate and were sweet to eachother and told stories. there's no one else i can imagine spending my late nights with.