i like surveys and i'm bored...so here ya go!

Sep 28, 2004 15:25

first job: Hampton Inn cleaning some funked up hotel rooms...interesting time
first screen name: Linzyk13 made when I actually was 13...clearly i still have it
first self-purchased album: either Ace of Base or the Lion King Soundtrack...i was obsessed with both
first pets: Honeymuffin...may she rest in peace
first big trip: my first big trip was to Arizona in 4th grade
last big car ride: my biggest car ride was in 5th grade when we drove down to Disney...24 hours in the car!
last real kiss: Sunday
last movie seen: Raising Helen...suprisingly really cute!
last movie seen in a theatre: Anchorman
last beverage drank: Diet Coke with Lime
last food consumed: Moe's Italian Sub...gonna be my last one for a while since i kinda just quit working there...
last phone call: last night with matty
last smell: the smell of moe's italian subs...that's what i smell like
last TV show watched: Home Improvement before class this morn
last shoes worn: my favorite running shoes!
last CD played: Wicked soundtrack
last item bought: Cosmopolitian magazine
last cigarette: lol...with Mclaney in my car waiting to go to kelly's house...it was only the 3rd cigarette of my life and he laughed a lot at how bad I suck at smoking
last book read: im reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves right now...yup its a book about punctuation
last time showered: this morning
last words spoken: bye, see you on tuesday to the kid i have computer science class with
last sleep: last night
last IM: alisha my UNH lover
last time wanting to die: never...i want to live!
last time dancing: last week at gaymanaerobics
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