Sunday Sunday Sunday

Jul 24, 2005 14:23

Oh much goin' on in life!! AHH!! I can't afford to add school...ick - only a few days left of freedom. *sigh*

Finally got drumline music! YAY! We have our first practice next friday and I'm nervous as anything! I can't believe that it's so soon!! Should be an interesting year...

So I spent my week getting all my school work done so I could start on my grandparents anniversary present. Their present is more fun than homework so I did the homework first and now I have less than a week to get it done YIKES! Let's hope it turns out family is counting on me!

Friday night I went to theHouse with Kay and had an absolute blast! Those kids are crazy! LOL -- it was fun getting to meet new people and catching up with some that I already knew...but Kay and I have a crazy time no matter what we're doing, so that was expected! TIED was awesome...they played Undignified which is one of my all time I was a maniac. Mr. and Mrs. E were very nice and it was awesome getting to meet them after hearing so much about that family! I hope to go back sometime soon...but who knows when that will be!

Jack died, then came I think he was really in a coma *Jack is my car. No need to worry*. My dad realized the battery was dead and DIDN'T TELL ME -- I found out for myself as I was trying to get to work on Friday morning. It wouldn't start. So I couldn't go down to St. Augustine for Katie's birthday surprise. Grr...but I went to theHouse instead, so all worked out ok. My dad put in a new battery and some oil and I'm good to go...I wonder if he filled up the tank with gas -- that would be nice!

Yesterday was a band car wash and it was so hot! I have the best sandal tan in the WORLD -- haha!! We made about $500 so it was a good day. We only budgeted for $250 so go us for overacheiving :-)

Well, that's about all I have to say for now. Maybe if y'all are lucky I'll update sometime again soon. :-) Love, Linz
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