May 23, 2006 23:09

I really want to be in a mafia but not because I want Katherine to win.
I'm pretty content right now with my life.
maybe I shouldn't be who knows.
Everything is so surreal like a movie of late.
I feel like typing something out, so I will.
(like always)

ASpoonFullOfLIFE: now remember mollie, if you never remember anything else: dont be a dick, vote taylor hicks!

Message to those out there:

You will always have your roots, the things or ones that are true to the growth of you. Don't let the weeds tangle them and twist life. They can try-real hard. Many times over-proud. Then a storm will come to challenge it all, rain, lighting, the whole nine yards. A few branches- choices- people are knocked off of us. The trunk tries to hold itself up- selfishly trying to support all the weight- the burdens. The rain pounds it and a man tries to knock it down. Yet the roots are so firm, deep into the ground. They can't be shaken, torn, yanked, pounded or swept away.

They are who we are and always will be. The branches have fallen- the once fruit of your labors. The trunk bursts open- your character destroyed. The roots remain. Steady and true, patiently holding our lives. It's selfless. Something that can't be understood. So there's no use in examining it.

Only one thing to do- feed them. So they can begin to rebuild, the trunk again. Sure, it's a long process. But all the water- knowledge gathered grows it. The sun warms it- loves. The branches will grow again, stronger this time- showing the labor of the work and then leaves- the blessings. Faithfully the tree grows higher than it ever thought it could, looking at the ground. Where it was, reaching for the sky.

No more restrictions- we've arrived.

Isaiah 40 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
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