Mar 07, 2006 00:30
ok ok so its been FOREVER
but theres nothing too exciting
i mean come on who wants to hear me babble on really????
im here on break and ive watched about 100 movies in the corse of like 3 days. no one but caite has the same break. by the way caite call me when your not busy and we can hit a movie or something. too bad about narnia being off the screen but im sure theres something out there thats worth 6 bucks.
so i am head over heels about a boy go figure. i dont know how to tell anymore. i wont say his name b/c you guys probably already know. its quite warm in here. ooo and i have a myspace and its quite fun you all should join too. its amuzing and a better facebook thing b/c you can make your own backround. i think im helping franco with his next show. im staying with my grandma mostly this week. my aunt and her roomate are in vegas so im looking after good ol' grams. i absolutly adore pride and prejudice, good book and good movie, i fall in love with mr darcy myself sometimes. i want a man like that. hehe. chris and i arnt talking much anymore. not totally my fault but anytime i think of calling him its like 1 in the morning and hes asleep like a rock as always. im thinking of spending my free time frittering my time in the coffe shop. maybe mill mt. i like it better. im worried about a friend. i wont name who. its none of the geeks. i usually know what to say ya know. to make someone laugh or to understand something better im the person people tend to go to i guess or to just laugh. i dunno its not like i have life experiances like some but i watch people and their lives and learn and take it in. i know a lot more than i let on i guess. but i didnt know what to say. and i felt bad b/c i wanted to say something but no words woould make sense. i dunno
i have a roomate FINALLY for next term. its dana. shes really cool and we get along great i think. shes really funny and very down to earth i like her a lot. anyways i dont know what else to really write.
everythings great i guess
no complaints only i miss my geeks and i want to see ya'll
linz mo