(no subject)

Sep 11, 2003 00:45

hmph so today i went to work. nothing too exciting i worked with bienay, travis, and nikki. travis left early though because his house got broke into. in the middle of the afternoon how retarded is that? i felt bad for him. haha them me nikki and bna talked about her accent and how funny it is. :) and how i want to be hispanic just to be tan! :) lil chris came in today. just to get a freezer. and he KNEW i was working i dont know waht he was thinking im surprised nikki didnt blow up at him. oh yeah i didnt tell ya. me and him arent allowed to be scheduled together ever. i dont know why exactly noone told either one of us why just that we cant. its gay.
travis said he hear that me and chris made out in the back room. impossible since weve never actually worked together but i think travis was just making that up to tick me off. i saw a pic of his g/f today. shes REALLY pretty. like omg pretty! yeah its cool

so i talked to sarah last night i love her and i am beyond extatic that i get to see her...in 2 days

caleb calhoun is scum...no hes worse then scum hes the ameoba that lives on the parasites that eat the scum...thats misquoted from a movie but i dont know which one. :) oh well i dont like him. hes bad news he always has been ive never really cared for the kid much but hey. so he broke my sarahs heart. and noone messes with my girls and gets away with it! hell get wahts coming to him. although i feel bad cuz hes messing up his life and hey i mean he just lost the best thing that could have ever happened to him by screwing with sarah the holmes

today i went to dinner with libby we went to wendys it was funny. we were so loud but its ok the trees in the place drowned out the sound im sure!;) then we went to church. she hasnt been in a long time and when i say long time i m ean like since easter almost. so it was cool. i love her terribly too. church was cool . it was about accountability. mr. lee gave the dave vancamp story again. for the 100th time. haha oh well.

so i fly out friday which since its 1 now its technically tomorrow but anyways. i cant wait...ive already talked about this. no i havent i just thought about it.

oh well moms hollerin at me to get to bed. she doesnt think ill wake up on time if i dont get off line here soon which really just means shes not planning on sleeping any time soon and the typings bothering her. err whatever. dont forget to hit up
to see what i was up to until i got the groovy live journal :)

im hanging with jennifer tomorrow so that should be fuN! i cant wait. i love that chickila no matter what! gnite

roger that
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