Oct 06, 2003 00:50
yeah so tonight was karaoke. not too fun to begin with which makes me sad. cuz i was like for real enjoying every other week. i dont know it was awfully weird....i think it goes back to last night
so me and jenn are chillin with will josh and morgan and it was like 1 and me and jenn were gonna be home by 2 well we brought will home and he was like hey theres suppossed to be a party in country oaks tonight lets ride out there im ready to fight a bitch or something. and im not all about people fighting for no reason so i said no and brought him home but i had called brandon j and he said it might be the kays or something so i did in fact drive to country oaks to see whos party it was. well we never found the party but will and ally drove past us in CO and i think he was mad about that. i wasnt going to go to the party i was tired and had to be home anyways .... so yah
i get to lidos tonight and i picked up tif before hand and met jenn and michelle there. with erica too. and will was outside talking to his sister as she was leaving. and michelle and erica stayed out there with him talking and i went inside with jennifer. well will never came inside cuz kyle picked him up and they rode out. i dont know why i guess he told erica that he didnt feel wanted or something i dont know it made me sad though cuz i did want him there kinda. hes fun and its not like i jsut didnt want him there ya know? i dont know it was bs if you ask me. then we sang a song or 2 i ate a nasty hamburger and some nasty curly fries and we decided it was kinda boring and we wanted to ride out but tammy was on her way so me and jenn couldnt just leave...but michelle erica and tifni shore left. i was like um ok so much for sunday night karaoke right? well then jenna called and her and tammy both came and sang with us so it was kinda fun. i think the old people like me and jenn better then the other lil kids hehe. i dont know. we sang quite a few songs. and ever got ivited by mary to sing with her. HIGH HONORS! :) cuz shes one of the few singers there that sound ok when they sing...
so yeah jenna came up there. strange huh. i guess her and shaun are really broke up and dont talk anymore or anything. im sad for her cuz it really does suck but i dont like shaun...shaun doesnt like me...shaun took my freakin best friend from me hello of course im not going to appreciate him. oh well i hope she gets better soon cuz i dont want her to waste too much time moping about this ya know? it never gets you anywhere.
i called bowler last night to see what he was doing and he was chillin at his house with his friend beth...i wonder if him and her are friends like him and i are..:( it makes me sad. i for real started crying up in wendys...im a loser
i do like him. i like him a lot. i dont want to say a whole lot but i dont know man, and the talk we had a few weeks ago didnt help the situation any. when he was like why havent we ever dated. but then like it just stopped.
i went to his house for a little bit thurs night i think it was. we watched christine i dont know some scary movie about a car. it was freaky but not too bad. i think im getting more guts cuz thats the second scary movie ive watched in like a week. i dont know what im thinking. hehe oh well...it sucked for real. im glad i watched it tho i love watching tv with matt. hes such a sweety...err stupid girl thats what i am
well i think im gonna go this one ended up being pretty long
roger that