Lindsey --
Tastes like fried chicken
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at As a vegetarian, I wouldn't quite know, but hey, everyone likes fried chicken, right?
1. I made Jills! This makes me happy, since I really wanted it, and was convinced I didn't make anything due to my god awful audition.
2. I got some letter about being selected as our school representative for this National Leadership Conference in Washington that less than 1% get selected for, and the schools only pick one based on test scores and other shit, and there's no tuition. I'm not sure about it, but it came with this shiny embossed sticker, which excited me more than anything. However, it's smack dab in the middle of diving season, and I never know the validity of these things. But the letter made me feel all smart and special.
3. I love my white and pink dress, and got to wear it, even if it meant I couldn't go home and change before Sam's grad party.
Unfortunately, 2 more weeks of school, which SUCKS MAJOR BALLS.