Mar 18, 2005 21:19
Today was.. interesting.
Yesterday Sarina convinced me to go on the foreign language trip. I thought it would be fun, so I decided to go.
It wasn't really fun.. and at times I would have loved to mysteriously choke on my bubblegum, but it was better than being in school.
First thing we did was play jeopardy. I got mad at myself for not remembering the word bird in french (le oiseau), but then I remembered it right after I said "I can't remember". But Sarina got it then. In the end, I got 80 points out of my team's 390 points. Eh. The sad part is, 50 of those points I shouldn't have. None of us knew the word for "twins", but the stupid people behind us said it too loud, so I got it then. But then they overheard me, so they got one too. Grr. In Final Jeopardy, Bailey Adie was a total hog with the paper, so I didn't even bother looking at the question. Anyway, in the end we didn't win. Suprise. Suprise. Our language department SUCKS. The other french students from other schools knew ten times as much as we did. They fricken know the french word for eggplant and thunderbolt. My knowledge in french stops basically at apple and dog.
Then we got tees to tie-dye... I passed on the tie-dye. It looked much better without it. Then we played pictionary. Our moderator guy was so f-ing WEIRD. The first thing he said to us was "Who's ready to fucking play this game?".. WHO SAYS THAT? And he seemed like he had a thing for Kelsi. But at the same time he seemed gay. Anyway. Then we did stupid origami, which we didn't have enough time to finish, and played chinese soccer which was.. odd.. and a waste of time.
The college gave us lunch, a sub, pretzels, chips, cookies, drink. It was like a warzone. Everyone was so hungry and it was a battle to get food. It wasn't even that good. I gave up chips for Lent, it's a friday so I couldn't have meat, and I don't like chocolate chip cookies, so my choices were very limited.
But the FUNNIEST thing happened at lunch. Eric Dombrosky hit this girl in the head with an empty ice tea bottle. She would not stop going on and on about it. She was bitching about it for a half hour. She was like "Oh my God.. My face is tingling. My hands are shaking so bad". The bottle was EMPTY. And it just happened it hit her. It wasn't like they slammed her with it. It was so f-ing funny. Then she started holding hands with this other girl on the way out, so we all assumed she was a lesbian. They didn't look like lesbians, though. Usually they're like beefy, ugly girls. But they were really pretty. Anyway, funny quote of today: Sarina goes, "They should do porn." It was so f-ing funny. Guess you had to be there.
I was going to go to Sarina's this weekend, because the rents won't be home. And I don't want to spend the entire weekend by myself. I don't know if I'm going for sure. But I definately don't want to spend two days sitting in the house watching movies. No thanks.
Alright. Later.