Feb 09, 2005 17:05
I had an allergic reaction to that medication the dermatologist gave me. My face has turned into the color of a strawberry and burns really badly. This just reinforces my hate for my dermatologist. Stupid people. It's kind of amusing, actually. Even when I take the medication off, my face still burns. Oh lovely.
I was feeling okay today. Still crappy, but better than usual. But when I got home, I just had this overwhelming exhaustion come over me. Oh Lord. Speaking of which, I should go to church today. And the bad part is, I probably won't. I'm going to hell.
And Sarina's a big biotch for taking my king cake yesterday. Juuust kidding.
Oh. My. God. If you haven't seen "The Notebook", pleeeease do so. BEST MOVIE EVER. *sigh* If only every guy was like Noah, the world would be a beautiful place.
1: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 12 and Write down what it says. "writing and making dots and"
2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first? the phone
3: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what time it is: 4:30
4: Now look at the clock, what is the actual time? 4:28
5: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? Oprah
6: When did you last step outside? What were you doing? Like an hour ago when I was getting out of mom's car coming from school
7: Before you came to this website, what did you look at? Nothing.
8: What are you wearing? White and tan striped Banana Republic Top, jeans
9: When did you last laugh? French class
10: What is on the walls of the room you are in? A calendar, light switches
11: Seen anything weird lately? Yes. My virus is very weird
12: What is the last film you saw in theaters? I haven't seen anything since the Polar Express. Wow. That was a long time ago.
13: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first? an iPod
14: Tell me something about you that I don't know: I'd love to act
15: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? Make myself the center of the universe. No. jk. World peace.
16: George Bush: He's okay. He's not my favorite person, but better than Kerry
17: Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? Eva Noelle
18: Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? Joshua
19: Who is the hottest guy in town? SAM PAGE. Okay, he's not in town. But still.
1. What time is it? 4:35
2. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 15
3. Date that you regularly blow them out? December 18
4. Pets: Dog, 2 cats, horse
5. Eye color: blue
6. Real/Died hair color:blonde
7. Piercings: ears
8. Tattoos: 0
9. How much do you love your job? Zero percent. Not a bit.
10. Favorite color: pink
11. Current residence: my house with my mom and dad
12. Favorite food: chinese, i suppose.
13. Been to Africa? nope
14. Been toilet papering? no
15. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? no
16. Been in a car accident? on the bus when i was in kindergarten
a. been hit by a car while walking? no
b. been hit by a car while riding your bike? no
17. Croutons or bacon bit? neither
18. Sprite or 7UP? 7UP
19. Favorite movie? Mean Girls / The Notebook / Legally Blonde
20. Favorite Holiday? Christmas
21. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
22. Favorite word or phrase: Loves it
23. Favorite Restaurant: Cape May Cafe in Disney World
24. Favorite Drink: Chocolate milk
25. Favorite sport to watch: Football
26. Preferred type of ice cream: chocolate
27. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Zoe
28. Disney or Warner Bros? disney
29. Favorite Fast food restaurant: Taco Bell
30. When was your last hospital visit? Two days ago
31. What color is your bedroom carpet? Beige
32. How many times did you fail your driver's test? Didn't take it yet
33. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? nope
34. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Express
35. What do you do most often when you are bored? Watch a movie
36. Most annoying thing people ask me/say to me? "Can I have a piece of gum?"
37. Bedtime: 10:30 on weekdays
38. Last Movie you saw: The Notebook
39. Do you prefer Theater or movie: Movie
40. Time when you finished this: 4:43
|*d.o.b~ 12.18.89*|
:x: Long distance relationships = for
x: Using someone = against
:x: Suicide = against
:x: Killing people = Against
:x: Teenage smoking = against
:x: Driving drunk = Against
:x: Gay/Lesbian relationships = doesn't matter
:x: Soap Operas = for haha
:x: Cried over a girl= like a fight? yes
:x: Cried over a boy = boys are NOT worth crying over. The end.
:x: Lied to someone = yes
:x: Been arrested = no
:x: Smoked = no
:x: Shampoo do you use = pantene pro-v
:x: Shoes or sandals do you wear = way too many to name
:x: What are you scared of = death
:x: Turns you on = nice looking, good personality
:x: Turns you off = cockiness and being a jerk and really bad skin
:x: Of times I have been in love?= 0
:x: Of times I have had my heart broken? = 0
:x: Of hearts I have broken? = i dunno
:x: Of boys you've obsessed over who wouldn't date you: a billion
:x: Funny - i suppose
:x: Friendly - yea
:x: Hyper- sometimes
:x: Amusing - sure why not
:x: Loveable - of course :)
:x: Caring - yea
:x: Sweet - yea
:x: Dorky - who isnt
Have you ever...
[ ] been drunk.
[ ] smoked pot.
[x] kissed a member of the opposite sex.
[x] rode in a taxi.
[ ] been dumped.
[ ] shoplifted.
[ ] been fired.
[ ] been in a fist fight.
[ ] snuck out of your parent's house.
[ ] been arrested.
[ ] made out with a stranger.
[x] stole something from your job. (it was a knife. and it was accidental lol)
[ ] celebrated new years in times square.
[ ] went on a blind date. (well i will be soon)
[x] lied to a friend.
[x] had a crush on a teacher.
[ ] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
[ ] been to europe.
[ ] skipped school.
[ ] thrown up from drinking.
[ ] lost your sibling. in the mall for a little bit lol
[x] played 'clue'
[x] had a sleepover party.
[x] went ice skating.
[ ] cheated on a bf/gf.
[ ] been cheated on.
[ ] had a sweet sixteen.
[ ] had a quincea.
[ ] had a car.
[x] drove.
*~*Do you think you're...*~*
( ) Pretty
( ) Ugly
( ) Skinny
( ) Fat
(x) Smart
( ) Perfect
( ) Beautiful
( ) Popular
( ) A Freak
( ) Stereotypical
( ) Stupid
(x) Ditzy
(x) Girly
( ) Tomboy-ish
(x) Normal
(x) Crazy
( ) Depressed
*~*Do you...*~*
( ) Use people
( ) Hate your parents
(X) Get a lot of mail
(x) Get a lot of email
(x) Use AIM
( ) Use GAIM
( ) Use MSN
( ) Use ICQ
( ) Use YahooIM
( ) Use IRC
( ) Use Trillian
( ) Own a cell phone
( ) Share a bedroom
( ) Like your house
(x) Like poptarts
( ) Spend over 5 hours online every day
( ) Play with dolls
(x) Have anxiety
*~*THIS or THAT*~*
Day/Night: night
Summer/Winter: summer
Spring/Autumn: spring
Blondes/Brunettes: blondes all the way
Book/Computer: computer
Walking/Jogging: walking
Poetry/Short Stories: short stories
Reading/Writing: reading
Black/White: both
Friends/Family: friends
Drugs/Alcohol: alcohol
Hug/Kiss: kiss
Gloves/Mittens: gloves
Cats/Dogs: dogs
Sweater/Sweatshirt: sweater
Fork/Spoon: fork
Toast/Bagel: bagel
Streamers/Balloons: balloons
Hamburgers/Hotdogs: hamburgers
*~*Just Some Questions on Love and Stuff*~*
Are You a Boy or Girl? girl
Single or Taken? single
If Taken, For How Long?
If Single, Do You Have a Crush? who doesnt
First kiss? Yeah. What's the question?
Do You Believe in Love? yes
^^^ At First Sight? yes
Ever Been in Love? nope
Ever Loved Someone? yeah
Fruit/vegetables: fruits
Lights on/lights off: off
TV/movie: movie
Car/truck: car
Body spray/lotion: spray
Cash/check: cash
Pillows/blankets: both
Headache/stomach ache: neither!
Paint/charcoal: paint
Chinese food/mexican food: chinese
Summer/winter: summer
Snow/rain: rain. i <3 it
Rock/rap: rap
Meat/vegetarian: vegetarian even though i'm not
Chocolate/vanilla: both
Sprinkles/icing: icing
French toast/french fries: both
Strawberries/blueberries: both
Cookies/muffins: muffins
Window/door: window
Pink/purple: pink
Long sleeve/short sleeve: short sleeve
Pants/shorts: pants
Winter break/spring break: spring
Clouds/clear sky: clouds
Moon/mars: moon
What time do you get up? weekdays 6:00 weekends usually 11:00
Gold or silver? silver
Favourite TV show? Desperate Housewives
What do you have for breakfast? Cereal bagel or fruit
Who would you hate to be stuck in an elevator with? no comment
What is your middle name? Susanne
Beach, City or Country? Beach
Butter, plain or salted popcorn? butter
Favourite sandwich? Balogna and cheese
If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? the Bahamas
What color is your bathroom? blue
Favourite brand of clothing? uh.. i don't know. express i suppose
What did you do for your last birthday? Worked. gayness
Favourite sport? Basketball
What fabric detergent do you use? Tide
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night Owl