Ugh, the guilt!!!

Jul 16, 2007 21:14

I've been feeling really...I don't know...private-ish lately? And instead of making 251 different filters for different subjects, I just did a major unfriending. This time, it's not about how much you comment, or don't comment, or how often you's just down to the bare minimum- most of the people left I know in real life. Those I don't know in real life, I've been online friends with since the dawn of time. So. There you go. I hate unfriendings. I hate feeling guilty. But then again, why should I appologize for wanting to just keep my LJ between people I'm really close with? UGH.

So. It's not because I don't like you. It's not because you aren't funny, or sweet or whatever. It's just because I'm going through a private phase.
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