There's No Place Like Home

Apr 26, 2005 21:53

Moved some stuff home today, brought back more boxes to pack. Woo! This time next week, I'll have one more final standing between me and summer =)

Dan comes in town this weekend, I can't wait. It's been well over a month since we've seen each other. And he'll be in town the next weekend for a tournament, then it's like 5 days till he's home for good. Now that you all no how pathetic I am, I'll move on =)

I found out that when affiliating with a new sorority chapter, the only thing really involved is that they have to let you in. Y'all, I'm scared. What if they don't let me in? I don't even know how to go about meeting anyone in the chapter or asking. I mean do you just be like, "Hi, I was a KD last year. Nice to meet you. So, um, can I join?" I mean is there some kind of grace period you wait before asking, like a don't kiss on the first date kinda thing? Geez. I e-mailed their President like a week ago and haven't heard anything. Not so good.

I heard a SEARCH song on the radio today. Love it when that happens. I love all you guys more than breath. P.S. you're leaving me hangin on Fr. Mike's homily... someone must remember ;)

Everyone, a warm congratulations to Miss Kathryn Evans, who will officially be a Vandy undergrad in the next few days!

I went to Best Buy today because my phone battery is shot. When I bought my phone last year, I bought an extra $40 care plan that allows unlimited batteries... nice. That should equal a free battery. Get there today, find out I need all original receipts. Well, when I bought my phone, they overcharged me, so I had ot get a refund in Customer Service. After which they did not give me back my receipts, just a piece of paper. Sooo basically it looks like I spent an extra $40 for nothing. Grr.

This entry has negative percentage of anything worth reading, so I'm going to add a bit of a pointless survey I filled out, because I know you're dying to know random bits about Miss Starbucks. I think everyone who reads this knows this stuff already, but I digress.

1. Your Full name: Lindsey Elizabeth Tarbox

2. Do you feel like your name fits you? I think so.

3. Do you have an alter ego? Not that I know of

4. Where were you born? Memphis,TN

5. Where do you live? Memphis

6. Do you like to travel? Very much so… although I’ve never really been anywhere worth noting

7. What is your birthday? November 22

8. Do you have siblings? Younger brother and older half sister

9. Do you have pets? Two dogs and a cat

10. Which was the happiest year of your life? Freshman and junior years, now

11. How old do you wish you were? The years seem to be slipping away faster than I can keep up with now… I’m good with just taking the years as they come

12. A movie is being made about your life. Who would you cast to play yourself? Some unknown, up and coming actress

13. Who would you cast to play your significant other? The same, a new actor

14. How would this movie end? A non-definitive ending

15. Is it better to be famous or infamous? Famous… though I’d rather be neither

16. You're going to die a natural death. What is the cause? Probably diabetes, based off of my overwhelming family history. It’s pretty much in the bag…. Don’t mean to sound morose =)

17. You’re going to die a sudden, tragic death. What is the cause? I’d rather not even attempt that one

18. How long do you plan on living? Until God wants me home.

19. What was the last song you got stuck in your head? “Hush,” Angie Aparo

20. Sing any commercial jingle. Woo hoo, woo hoo hoo…. The one where people do stupid things (Sorry, Dan)

21. What is your favorite element on the periodic table? Platinum?

22. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset

23. Introvert or extrovert? Both, depends on the situation

24. Creation or evolution? Theistic Evolution

25.Action or reaction? reaction

26. Unity or individuality? Unity without conformity

27. Hugs or drugs? Hugs

28. Animal, vegetable, or mineral? Animal

29. Popsicle, creamcicle, or fudgecicle? Popsicle

30. Fight or flight? Flight

31. Who is your favorite historical figure? Oh, gosh, I don’t know

32. Which historical figure could we have done without? Hitler… I know, unoriginal

33. What happened in the last dream you remember? I swam

34. Do nice guys really finish last? With girls who don’t understand…. Never in my book

35. What are your favorite boy names? I don’t know

36. What are your favourite girl names? Anna and Lauren maybe?

37. Open or closed? open
38. White bread or wheat bread? Wheat

39. Is it better to burn out than to fade away? Fade away

40. You put a quarter into a toy machine. What comes out? A bouncy ball

41.What do you want to be when you grow up? Pharmacist?

42. What were your favourite childhood toys? My Little Ponies and Polly Pockets…. and Matt’s creepy-crawly maker

43. What was your first pet? Copper, a chocolate lab

44. What annoys you? Having my name spelled with an “a” and not having napkins when I eat

45. What is your favourite action caption from the old batman tv show? (example. "pow" or "blam") zip

46. How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a tootsie pop? 3

47. The glass... half empty or half full? Half full. Does anyone really ever answer half empty?

To Be Contined....

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