Oct 13, 2003 01:14
Wow good waste of my time….
1. Kissed your cousin: definitely not
2. Ran away: I think kinda….i have memories as a kid but then again I was prolly only gone for like 10 min.
3. Pictured your crush naked:um….i don’t quite know…
4. Actually seen your crush naked: um…partially… sin camisa
5. Broken someone's heart: yes I was a cruel little girl in junior high…um probably now too…I try not to though because I feel ridiculously guilty if I do
6. Been in love: I think so, I possibly still am
7. Cried when someone died: well yeah…
8.Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: of course
9. Broken a bone: no
10. Drank alcohol: yes a sip of wine which I hated, a bit of a margarita, and some schmirnoff ice ( that was good)
11. Lied: sad to say…yes
12. Cried in school: yeah …last time was when I found out t that the guard hated me or so I was told…
13. COKE OR PEPSI: rootbeer
14. SPRITE OR 7UP: manzana lift
15. GIRLS OR GUYS: they are good for different things ….guys just don’t understand girl problems but boy can they play cute and try to listen
16. FLOWERS OR CANDY: flowers except for once a month.
17. SCRUFF OR CLEAN SHAVEN: definitly diggin the smooth type…it doesn’t hurt and look all nasty
18. QUIET OR LOUD: friends and fun times - loud…boys - I generally go for quiet
19. BLONDES OR BRUNETTES: I wish I were a brunette with a dark complexion…they are gorgeous
22. PANTS OR SHORTS: pants or skirts
23. WHAT DO YOU NOTICE FIRST: I know I am answering this a bit odd but personality
24. LAST PERSON YOU SLOW DANCED WITH: Jeffy…so glad I taught him to dance…it was worth it
25. WORST QUESTION TO ASK: write a paper on how amazing you are ( can you tell I am trying to do college stuff)
26. SHOWERED: this morning
28. HAD A GREAT TIME WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX: wow a “great time”…I have a great time all of the time … but for an actual “ great time” last weekend when jeff was home
29. YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARMi don’t really have one
30. PERSON YOU HATE MOST: people that cause problems in other wise hunky dory lives
31. THE BEST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU TODAY: found some clothes for my senior pics
32. COLOR: depends on my mood and if I have to wear it or what not
33. MOVIE: Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire, Italian Job, Joy Ride, Silence of the Lambs
34. SUBJECT IN SCHOOL: Spanish, Ap English or Physics ( don’t really like the material but I have amazing teachers)
35. JUICE: Grape or apple
36. CARS: ????
37. ICE CREAM: oh anything icecream although I do love pickle tree or the raspberry sundaes at DQ
38. HOLIDAY: christmas except for the fact that I work in toys
39. SEASON: end of spring beginning of summer
40. BREAKFAST FOOD: cereal…but I don’t eat breakfast
41. PLACE TO GO WITH YOUR HONEY: Someplace spontaneous or special…the drive in was amazing as well as 13 acres or the planetarium…but it isn’t where you go that matters but that you are with that person
44. MAKES YOU SMILE: Thomas Frankie…he always seems to brighten my day just because he always cares enough to ask you how you are doing and wait for an answer…
46. HAS A CRUSH ON YOU: jeff (?), knicl,…???more???
47. HAVE A CRUSH ON: I think that is obvious…the word crush just seems very junior high to me though
48. CAN MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER NO MATTER WHAT: normally jeff…unless he is the problem but he normally isn’t
49. easier to talk to, guys or girls: depends what you are talking about…sometimes guys are more realistic which I like but sometimes they just won’t listen…
50. SIT BY THE PHONE WAITING FOR A PHONE CALL ALL NIGHT: yeah when people tell me that we are going to do something and I am too pathetic to call them…
51. SAVE AOL CONVERSATIONS: good ones or ones that I might need in the future.as a sort of evidence
52. SAVE E-MAILS: well hotmail erased all of them …thank you…ahhhhh
53. WISH YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE: yeah …especially when you constantly seem to lose and it looks like the other persons life is perfect but it really isn’t
54. WISH YOU WERE A MEMBER OF THE OPPOSITE SEX: yes when I think about being pregnant or when I my curiosity gets to me during their sleepovers
56. COLOGNE: yeah I like axe and essence…but mostly b/c of the commercials
57. PERFUME: lucky, op juice, or curve
58. KISS: hmmm…I can’t pick
59. ROMANTIC MEMORY: prom, 13 acres, drive in, basement
60. MOST RECENT ADVICE GIVEN TO YOU: obviously you had something special but it is long distance and you almost left once so… ( anonomous advice or kinda of advice)
61. Fallen for your best friend?: yes I loved my best friend in junior high and he was a guy…in hs I fell for the guy and he became my best friend
62. Made out w/ JUST a friend?: um…blushing…well I guess he is “just a friend”
63. Been rejected?: yes recently actually….but it is all for the best in the end…
64. Been in love?: yeah I think so
65. Been in lust?: human nature makes it impossible for you not to lust
66. Used someone?: I don’t know prolly
67. Been used?: yes
69. Been cheated on?: NO…I totally trust jeff…and I guess you can’t be “cheated on” if you aren’t dating that is my philosophy
Been kissed?: of course
71. Done something you regret?: lots of things
Who was the last person
72. You touched?: I caught knicls head as he was falling asleep when he was supposed to be doing physics
73. You talked to?:my mom
74. You hugged?: jeff
75. You instant messaged?: jeff
78. You yelled at? Guard girls and my mom
79. You laughed with?: I like to think I laugh a lot but I can’t remember when I last had a good laugh
Do you
82. Color your hair? Nope have tried highlights before though
83. Have tattoos? Yeah one on my forehead…oh wait…nooo
84. Have piercing? Ears double pierced…I want my bellybutton but my parents wouldn’t go for that because they won’t even let me pierce my cartilage…that is what college is for right?
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? Yes kinda
86. Own a webcam? No…if I did, I wouldn’t know how to use it
87. Own a thong? No I had one before but my mom threw it away because it was “inappropriate”
88. Ever get off the damn computer? Not now that I have cable
89. Sprechen sie deutsche? No I don’t speak dutch but b/c of cognates I could figure it out
90. Habla espanol? Si ( cuatro anos en mi escuela)
91. Quack? Not particularly but I suppose I could pick it up
Have you / do you / are you
92. Stolen anything? no
93. Smoke? Ew no
94. Schizophrenic? maybe
95. Obsessive? prolly
96. Compulsive? Yes…cumpulsive shopper…can’t pass good deals
98. Panic? Yes…every time I lose my keys which is often
99. Anxiety? sometimes
100. Depressed? A couple of times
101. Suicidal? No but I had thought about it before when I was little but I don’t so much like pain
102. Obsessed with hate? No…that is a weird question
103. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? No but they make movies more interesting and will give me something to do in my future
104. Suspected someone of plotting to shoot up the school? yeah
105. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? In hawaii with someone very close to me…ah can’t wait till my honeymoon far in the future
106. Can You do anything freakish with your body? no
107. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others? I don’t know they all combine to make soemone beautiful..i couldn’t love someone’s eyes if they had a pinnochio nose that took away the beauty of the eyes
108. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: yes…it would be weird though…and I would never vote for a feminist
109. Would you marry for money?: maybe an old guy that was going to die soon…but still ewww
110. Have you had braces?: yeah 3 ½ years but I was smart enough o dismantle them…hehe evil laughter
111. Do you pluck your eyebrows?: waxing is better…
112. Do you like hairy backs?: yes I do…..NO what kind of question is that
113. When was the last time you had a hickey?: prolly like a month ago
114. Could you live without a computer?: yes life would be easier…I would understand it more and have less frustrations plus the gap between men and women would be much less
115. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc...? AIM
116. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: 106
117. If you could live in any past, where would it be? The 20’s before depression and war…but I love that era
118. Do you wear white socks?: yes and other kinda
119. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: take them off of course
120. What is your favorite fruit?: strawberries, blueberries, I like everything
121. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: either or…white for pb and j though
122. What is your favorite place to visit?: mexico
123. What is the last movie you saw?: how to lose a guy in 10 days
125. Are you photogenic?: um no….others may say so but I am freaking out about my senior pics b/c I find it self-absorbed and creepy that he is going to be taking pics of just me…
126. Do you dream in color or black and white?: not sure