"umm helllooooo"

May 09, 2005 22:33

Today is May 9th.
One month from today will be June 9th.
June 9th is Prom.
One week from today will be May 16th.
One month from one week will be June 16th.
June 16th is the day we graduate from high school.

Today, while Trisha and I were driving to the baseball game, someone pulled a total Dane Cook on the freeway. A man in a large van came uninvitedly into her lane... and we're white, so... well you know the rest.

My weekend was really good. The general idea of it is a little unusual to me for whatever reason, but it was really good. I'm pleased. I feel like elaborating really badly, but then again, I really don't, so I'm not going to. I think I'll keep to myself.

I was just thinking, it would've been cool if the club was still called Sin, rather than Sevin. That way, my weekend would've been going to Sin on Friday, and going to Hell on Saturday.

Today was a good day too. I was inspired to empty out and wash my car. The water bottle count came to a total of 18 bottles.

It's weird to realize that there is something I did that I know I would not have done 2, 3, or 4 years ago. It really wasn't even that big of a deal, but I kept walking at first, then eventually turned around and went back to do what I knew I should. I know that if I had seen that a few years ago, I would've wanted to turn around, but when it came down to it, I'd keep walking.

I think that goes back to the time at MASC Camp over the summer when I was walking back to the rooms with a girl from my group. It was dark and raining outside and she was really upset and crying about something that dealt with someone she knew who died a while back and one of those crazy, emotional things we did every night brought something back to her. We talked a little bit about it on the way back, but what she needed more was just a hug or for me to put my arm around her while we walked. I knew that, but I didn't do it. It was outside of what I usually do.

We were in different rooms, so once we got back, we said goodnight and that was it. I cried and felt like crap for the rest of the night because I felt like an ass for not being able to do something so simple that would help her out, just because I was a little uneasy about it. I regretted it and I still do. She probably doesn't even remember it and probably was never really even bothered by it, but it still makes me really upset.

I'm glad that I didn't just let it go this time.
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