you complete me!

Nov 06, 2005 17:32

ok so i've been sick for a week now and i'm sick of it!!!!!

Marc came to visit yesterday!!! He got here at i'd say about 8am, so we had the whoooole day! it was amazing! we celebrated his birthday!! i made him a great lunch & dinner & desert! and we watched mooovies and just had good times. we watched the ninja turtles, house of wax, and saw. we had a wonnnnnderful time!!!!! :) and he loved the bowling bag i got him! and the pillow!

I'm supposed to be studying. but I find it so hard to study for chem. even though I'm doing horribly in there. I just watched a movie about global warming for the class, too. there went an hour of my life. but i'd like to spread the word... use solar power. the sun is our friend. I'm working my way to a better grade with the help of a TA in the class. he was my TA for my chem lab, too. anyway, he loves me, so I definitely take advantage of that and ask for lots of help during the test! :) he recently found me on facebook... our relationship is really blossoming! haha i'd better watch out. But I told Freeman I'll do whatever it takes to improve our grades in the class! haha eeee!

and after my stupid chem test i have to start studying for biochem & physics!!! which will be on the same day... as usual. im sick of it. but I just found out I can't go to Marc's bowling thing on the 19th! I'm so upset. I was really pumped. but it turns out its like 7 hrs away. we thought it was closer. there goes the road trip w/ my girls. my car just can't make it that far. ok gtg learn before i watch 4 hours of sunday night tv! ahhh, i love it.
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