May 10, 2006 15:42
I'd originally planned to not update until after the APs (I've been doing a decent job; 5 down, one more -- econ tomorrow -- to go), but today was too funny not to mention.
So um, some people tried to convert me again today. Yeah, it's those Jehovah's Witnesses idiots. It's kind of amusing that this stuff keeps happening repeatedly to me. Last time it was two girls that tracked me down on the beach and randomly started talking about their love for Jesus, their savior, we're not worthy, sinful human nature, blah blah you get the deal. And they prayed for me. wtf.
This time two black ladies walked up to my house (when I was home alone) and knocked. What I should have done was to pretend that I wasn't home. What I did was to open the door. After like three sentences of introduction one of the women pulled out a bible and was about to start reading this passage. I was so tempted to be like "Be gone! I worship the devil! Die die die!" but they'd mentioned that they liked reaching out into the neighborhood so I didn't want to cause a stir among my conservative-appearing neighbors that we were satanists...So I just said that I was firm in my beliefs, hoping that they wouldn't probe. I'd guessed wrongly because the other lady started asking me about my background and what I did believe. So I tried to avoid the term "Atheist" and described our faith in certain traditional values to avoid a drawn-out lecture. They then tried to be buddy-buddy and say things like "we love hearing about other cultures and beliefs," wishing me luck at Furman next year before leaving a while later. Oh yeah, they told me they lived around Hard Scrabble somewhere; not in my neighborhood. Damn, I should have told them I was a satanist. Would've been funny.
Those people really don't get it. You don't walk to to random people's houses and expect to be welcomed. It's one thing to believe in what you want to believe, which I respect, but it's another to parade it around publically:
1) It's just plain annoying
2) You risk offending people
3) You NEVER, NEVER quote the bible to strangers
4) You DO NOT pray to non-Christians (see number 2)
5) Talking about your blatant love for Jesus and how humans are evil so openly is very creepy
6) Just avoid walking up to Asian people to talk about Jesus, at least the mainland type. Most of them ARE NOT CHRISTIAN. It's a safe rule.
I had a blast, but I really don't appreciate being reminded of how different I am in such a condescending way. I'd rather not consider myself as being damned, thank you.