La la la

Feb 22, 2005 17:53

The more I rp with Ed, the more I want to have this age-long story put into manga form, which I don't think she'd mind. I'm scatterbrained though >.> Still working on other arts, on top of shit happening...I really am trying to forget about what happened yesterday, but it kind of nags and hurts still. I hear that this guy is sooooo nice and wonderful, yadda yadda, but being in that copy room on the other end of his Game Face, it was not nice and wonderful. I didn't know who the fuck that guy was! Will not elaborate, if you don't know, then...sorry. I'm not recanting.

Anyway, I'm about at the end of my current sketchbook, which means It's time to pull out the bigger one I bought. Also got some water color paper, 'cause I want to try a thing or two with it, namely, getting my rusty water color skeeelz unrusty. Might try something with these Celebrimbor fanarts then...Narya's going to be hard though T_T ebil fire. Eeeeeeeebil.

Back to the thought at hand, There are plot holes we still have not rectified, and I'm not quite sure how I'm going to work all the characters in. I suppose I'll have to just follow Crevan's POV for the second part, 'cause that would make the most sense. The two biggest characters that currently don't make sense adding are Xanthe and Yuuka, but, again, if I follow from Crevan's point of view, he was wondering around and got smacked over the head with a big stick from Xanthe, and Yuuka approached him, because she's a big freakin' weirdo. This is me talking to myself, sorry, y'all probably no idea what I'm going on about :p I should dig up the map pieces from my old ass computer to make a map for the area. Logan and I were playing around on a huge dry erase board yesterday doing that. I wanna try. If Brahms can do it for fun, I don't see why I can't. My other story is too discombobulated, and not organized enough and never WILL be organized enough to do anything with. Blah. I have no idea what I'll name it though.
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