Meme''s all about ME :-P

Feb 15, 2006 18:24

Stealing a meme from [info]ssotknapsack , it's all About Me :-P Just post the answers as comments and then copy the meme into your own journal so everyone can answer for you. :-D ( Read more... )

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ssotknapsack February 15 2006, 19:07:20 UTC
Here you go, baby. :) Enjoy.

Where did we meet?
Originally online, and finally in person at BWI airport (Yay!)

How long have you known me?
Since May 22, 2004

When is the last time that we saw/spoke to each other?
We're "speaking" on IM right now, but I last saw you a little over a month ago :(

Do I smoke?

Do I drink?
Not anymore

When is my birthday?
25 August 1983

What was your first impression of upon meeting me?
That you are so beautiful, and seeing you smile makes me smile. Ohh, and you're really cute when you're nervous. :)

What’s one of my favorite things to do?
Watch CSI :-P

Am I funny?
Yes! Especially when you're not trying to be, you're just so damn cute.

What’s my favorite type of music?
Westlife and lots of other pop music (my little princess)

What is my best quality?
You're such a selfless, genuinely nice person

Am I shy or outgoing?
Shy-ish, I guess. You're outgoing around friends and family (when you turn into a Geordie)

Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?
You follow the rules for the most part; you don't even believe in taking mental health days from work (even though you do :-P)

Do I have any special talents?
Mmhmm, definitely. :-D They're X-rated though, and probably not suitable for a public journal. You're a reeeeally good cook though. :-D

Would you consider me a friend/good friend?
Best friend and soulmate

What is a memory we have once had?
The first night we were together. We were both really nervous and we kept trying to make little moves on each other, we snuggled on the couch and held hands, and finally you led me to bed (to sleep!).

Have you ever hugged me?
Yeah, once or twice. :-P j/k A lot. I love hugging you.

How well do you know me?
Very well, I hope

What is my favorite food?
Chicken, chicken, and... chicken

If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
My little shnickerdoodle

What is my worst habit?
I don't think you really have any. You graze, I guess. :-/

If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring?
Sunscreen! LMAO

What is my favorite fandom?
Uhhh... Westlife?

Who are my favorite characters in that fandom?

What was the last thing I said to you?
I love you

Will you repost this so I can do it for you?
Already done :)


linwe_ancalime February 15 2006, 19:14:40 UTC
[i]Sunscreen! LMAO[/i]
now that's not even fuhnee missy :-P

[i] chicken, chicken and...chicken [/i]
I eat more than that :whistle:

You know, I love you even more now 'cause you're just way too damn adorable. :kiss:


ssotknapsack February 15 2006, 19:16:52 UTC
[i]Sunscreen! LMAO[/i]
now that's not even fuhnee missy :-P

Not fuhnee... but TRUE!

*Runs and hides* Psst, I'm hiding in my bed in case you want to try to find me and punish me. *Ducks head back under blankets*


linwe_ancalime February 15 2006, 19:22:28 UTC
hmmm *thinking* where did I put those handcuffs *wanders to find 'em* :devil:


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