Ignore The Man Behind The Curtain

Mar 18, 2008 02:44

[Ed Note: This is a re-run from a MySpace Blog]

Someone posted a blog stating "The Case For Gay Marriage." I agree with most of the authors points but had to expound upon it by simply stating " ... for the life of me I just cannot figure out just WHO two people who are in love need this ’little piece of paper’ to validate themselves and their lives."

Take heed.

Just like abortion, stem-cell research and homosexuality, the Distraction Du Jour is:
Gay Marriage.
The Economy/Energy Costs.
Illegal Immigrants.

As I pointed out to the author, often these emotionally charged "issues" that are argued from a religious standpoint collapse under the weight of their inertia. A lot of these arguments arise from the need for everybody to feel superior to somebody. They’re illogical.

Meanwhile, behind the curtain.

Some people "in the know" feel that America’s nothing more than an experiment (democracy, capitalism, free markets, free speech) whose time has run its course. The so-called "elite" (starting with the Federal Reserve industry) and the hidden faces behind that curtain have everyone in their pocket(book)s.

What will become of our great country? That is open to a lot of speculation from the economists to the politicians to the Conspiracy Theorists. Postings on the Internet encourage us to open our eyes to the TRUTH. A major "incident" is all that’s needed to put the screws to us, to enslave us as a nation. Just what could these incidents be?
Biological disaster?
A nuclear bomb?
Super storms?
Global climate shift a la "Absolute Zero" or "The Day After Tomorrow?"
Terroristic bombiciders on our own turf?

Al Jourgensen (of the band Ministry fame) was quoted in Rockpool magazine in 1985 as saying "I’m all for blowing up corporate headquarter computers. We need anarchy. The only way to build society up is to tear it down and rebuild it again."

Do you ever have this sense of impending doom, that something isn’t quite "right" around you? It’s hardly paranoia. It’s your GUT INSTINCT telling you something.

RFID chips.
Ubiquitous cameras.
"Cashless" society.
Real ID cards.
Ubiquitous computers.
NAFTA. NAFTA "superhighway."
Our vanishing borders.
Illegal immigrants running rampant.
Energy costs.
Housing market tanking.
Pollution of our air, water and food.
Our rights being chipped away, either by consensus or conquest.
The suspension of habeas corpus.

..... and on down the line.

A couple questions:

1.] Can YOU see through all the disinformation and lies?
2.] Are YOU prepared for whatever may come your way?
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