Jan 14, 2007 22:44
Eric, Alex and Keith did this so I guess here's some stuff: Ten things that people may not know about me.
1)I can't throw a frisbee straight
2) Always when I take a first bite of sushi I kind of gag/throwup, but then after that I'm fine.
3) I don't wear earrings
4) When I was younger I used to wear Looney Tunes stuff, yeah Space Jam. I think Marvin the Martian was my favorite.
5) I can't stand the feeling of socks without shoes. I either need to have both on or just let me feet be bare.
6) In the 4th or 5th grade I used to wear a hat backwards everyday like Alex Mac.
7) After I take a bath I have to rinse off in the shower for a sec, to feel clean.
8) I'm getting better but I'm still super forgetful. If I don't write it down I WILL forget it... (this is even without weed :)
9) This one is probably really cheesy/hippie cliche, but I have to got outside in nature at least once a day to feel normal and not like a robot.
10) I'm always the asshole that makes people pull-over so I can use the restroom.
I tag whoever wants to fill this out and feel like they need to share useless information!
I'm going to do a real update later because too much cool stuff has been going on,