(no subject)

Nov 15, 2006 12:47

What a gloomy day for a gloomy mood. I woke up today to my loud-ass roommate coming home and found out that the power must have gone out during the night and come back on because my alarm clock was blinking. I still had time to make it to my class so I got ready super fast and walked through the harsh winds to find that our class had been cancelled today! damit! I could have still been in my bed all warm and cozy.

Since I haven't updated this thing for awhile I'll give you a run-down to whats going on.
- had band practice
- went to Little Tokyo house with Eric for din din
- then hung out with Lauren Aaron and Andrea at the Shookone's new record release show @ Fantasia. It was fuck'n amazing. That show had one of the best vibes.
- worked a lot

- went bowling with a bunch of peeps and was tipsy as hell from going to Boundary for dinner earlier
- Saw Borat after Eric's celebration dinner at El Gitano. It was fuck'n delicious and so many good friends showed up.
- work, work work

- had a quick band practice again
- finally met Dave, and hung out with him and Aaron at On Rice to get some Thai food
- went and saw "Harsh Times", it was ok, kind of strange and "harsh" haha
- relaxed when we got back and watched Weeds

- worked on a huge supreme court debate
- had my oral argument and think it went pretty well(so glad that is over)
- took two midterms and got B's on them

- Grandma's 80th b-day
- picked up Eric's sister, Amy, to drive back up in a ridiculous rain storm to B'ham

Yeah its been pretty crazy, but good. I hope I can just chill out and relax sometime soon!


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