After a...patience-testing afternoon at McDonald's where the Internet stopped working right in the middle of the episode, Meg and I moved on to Hardees, where we finished watching Tiger & Bunny 12 in all of its fucking glory.
❖ I was surprised with Ivan's shuriken throwing abilities. I figured he just kept them as a weeaboo hobby, not as actual weapons. I'm impressed. If it hadn't been Jake he was against, I have a feeling one of those bastards would have sunk in. But where was he keeping them in that skin-tight suit?
❖ So, there's been a lot of back-and-forth about Kotetsu and Barnaby and what happened when they went to get Jake/rescue Ivan. Honestly, I think that Kotetsu meant well. It isn't that he doesn't trust Barnaby - he just knows that Barnaby has a tendency to go off the deep end when Jake is concerned and I think he was, in good faith, trying to prevent that. But in pure Kotetsu fashion, he acts before the thinks. Barnaby, of course, took this as him not trusting him because he's delicate when it comes to trust. I'm not going to be all OH NO MY WAIFU IS GETTING BASHED because yes, I do believe that Kotetsu was in the wrong, even if he didn't mean to be. But there's no definitive "blame" to be placed, I think. And people need to chill the fuck out - that's just Kotetsu. He's not being a moralfag or overly righteous or whatever. He was just trying to prevent another Bunny freakout. Am I right?
❖ My heart when Keith tells Barnaby, "I promise to seize and bring him back to you." My heart.
❖ DAT TWIST. Honestly, a one-on-one showdown with Jake was not what I pictured this episode turning into. I more saw them storming his headquarters and him beating the living shit out of them. I...approve of this upgrade? Also, Jake and Kriem using the hero cards to choose the hero - I LOL'd.
❖ KEITH IS SUCH A FUCKING BADASS. Like Ivan up there, if it hadn't been Jake, he would have wiped the floor with him. It was good to see him get some action. But you know what was also good to see? Him getting the hell beat out of him (d...dat scream.) Not that I like seeing my pure waifu like that set a tone for the episode. If the King of fucking Heroes can't do it...y'know? It also shows us that even though Keith is the "ace", he's still very much beatable and very much human. I liked that. But I will admit to being on the edge of my seat the entire time, fuck you very much, /a/.
❖ I also approve of the ~DARK~ path the show is going down right now (like showing Keith and Antonio strung up, damn.) It's like Harry Potter - everything is horrible but the manning up works and you can't help but love it. Shit is getting more and more real. I can't see it staying like this - things are going to get brighter, I think, in the next episode or two. Also, the timeskip that's supposed to happen...worries me. But it'll probably end up being a good timeskip so I...don't know. My thoughts are conflicted.
❖ Anges creaming herself over the ratings. I wanted to think she was buying them time's Agnes we're talking about. The ship would be sinking and she'd still be instructing the cameramen to shoot footage. That single-mindedness of her's is kind of adorable, in a strange way.
❖ Can...can I just...say that I...actuallylikeJakeandKriem. I despised them last week. I should hate them for all the shit they're fucking up. I should and yet...they are the most adorable of villains. Damn it, Tiger & Bunny, for making me love even your fucking bad guys. But...them eating miso soup, Kriem still trying to put on her makeup and Jake panning the camera on her just because she was, Jake dancing. I...ship them. Is that bad? He will probably end up killing her at the first sign of betrayal, which isn't likely but he's that kind of person - look at what he did to Chuckman and his big black moeblob eyes. He simply does not care. I do not see her lasting that long.
❖ NOBODY IS DEAD...yet. Sobbing.
Barnaby does not win next week or either he does and Jake decides to destroy half the city anyway. The suits can't do anything because the signal has been jammed. I see that being a plot point, given the screentime devoted to Ivan telling the big-wigs that. This might save everyone's asses. Then Lunatic appears and...probably gets killed. I would like to see Yuri being a badass, at least once. Please make it happen, Sunrise.
Jake definitely has some kind of psychic ability. How else would he know that Ivan was really Origami Cyclone? I mean, besides really good guessing, of course. He didn't know Chuckman's personality and given that Kriem was fine around him, there was no reason to suspect he was secretly Ivan unless he could read his mind. Then there's him knowing Kotetsu's real name, right after Kotetsu thinks it to himself. Hmm...
This is the longest of shots but someone brought this up: Jake is not really the murderer of Barnaby's parents and someone (perhaps Maverick?) made Barnaby think so. Apparently he doesn't have a tattoo on his hand when he's getting out of prison and the /a/nons think that Jake wouldn't use a gun. He doesn't seem the type to try to cover his tracks so he'd definitely use his NEXT powers to murder people. I don't know, what do you guys think? I like the "Maverick is secretly a bad guy" idea because I don't really care for him and I could see that happening so, so easily. But it's just speculation. It's probably all wrong but it's interesting to think about.
Wow, I had...a lot of thoughts on this. My weeabooness, let me show you it.