Four seasons wiss your love

Dec 16, 2005 22:44

I got a serious ego boost today when Cassy told me about what a kid in her class said about me. A few days ago, Cassy and I jokingly created a profile for me, with two pictures (tasteful ones, no cleavage or anything), which Cassy was going to show around the school, trying to get me a boyfriend. And Cassy took it to school and stuck it on the front of her folder, which is see-through.

Today, a boy in second period class caught a glimpse of the front of her folder, snatched it off her desk, and exclaimed, "Whoa! She's hot!" He read through my profile, making comments here and there ("Cool! She likes Inuyasha?") and asked Cassy if he could "pass for seventeen" (he's fifteen). And he even held up the folder and asked his friend, "Is this girl hot?" To which his friend replied, "Yeah!"

What's funny is one of the boys is my cousin's boyfriend. Small world.

This just made me smile so much because I have, like, never had anyone tell me I'm "hot" save for Jacob, but he doesn't count. :D

Oh, also, take a gander at my new icon. Sesshomaru's getting into the holiday spirit. :D

i am sexy apparently, real life

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