
May 21, 2006 00:08

*snort* Finland won. Already speculated about their win with my 2 other flatmates. And we figured they'd have a pretty good chance to win. At least better than NL. They are already out before they are even in actually...nothing new there...

Finland has been away for years and now they win the Eurovision *snigger*

Haven't seen it btw, but there's a group of Finns in the neighbourhood watching. Their shouting got louder and louder and 10 mins ago I figured I should have a look if they were shouting so incredibly loud because they had won.

They had.


Now don't make too much noise happy Finns. Drink another Vodka and then be too drunk to shout. I want to sleep now :D

Ehm...can anyone tell me who got 2nd and 3rd or do I have to check it myself tomorrow? ;)
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