So I asked for a blade to cut paper and I get a hacksaw... paper dude... not the tree!!!

Oct 13, 2008 22:44

So it's been a pretty busy weekend etc and ofcourse mondays are fun!

The weekend pretty much went by at rocket speed. Spent most of saturday at home... got some work done while watching more mind your language... good times! Then went to see Vidya in the evening... ofcourse she wasnt there. I bought a nice big bar of dairy milk so left it at their door. She called later to let me know that she got it, so I'm glad no one took it :P

Sunday, we went to rukumani's! And what a lunch we had! Venkaya sambhar, poondu rasam, beans curry, manja pooshinikkai curry and vadam. Bliss!!!! poondu rasam took the cake though. Yes it is garlicy... that's the BEST part! Anyhow we spent some time there with the cousins and headed home later in the afternoon. We also hit up Agasthiar kovil cos it was white teddy's b'day yesterday. So we did a vada malai poojai for him and generally prayed that he doesnt forget me :P Naa just kidding, for good health and blah blah the usual. So sunday ended with the usual stuff.

I wake up this morning and it's raining... no actually it was pouring! I mean it was 7 and pitch dark and raining like crap! So much for a day when I thought I wanted to take my suit n all for a meeting. I guess auto was the ride to work. But then soon after I finished breakfast, it stopped and the sun peeked out! So bike it was! No suit tho... I'm sure some whack job will happily spray the abundant dirty rain water all over me. And ofcourse that's what happened. Luckily it wasnt that bad and I gave him a good piece of my mind. Fantastic... got my laziness out on him :P So far a great morning! Yes I'm sadistic at times and it's what keeps my engine oiled! Anyhow, I got to work soon after and was put into gear the minute I walked in. We had to get a bunch of stuff done. I also learned how to make excel sheets that are useful :P Use formulas across sheets and basically make it so that we can get a whole load of stuff from the stuff we put in. So I changed my docchu (as sai puts it) sheet into one super duper one. The next half of the day went in meetings. Tomorrow is a demo and we were trying to figure out what to do and how we were gonna do that effectively so that they come back and say "hey, sign us up". Got that planning done and I headed out to get a few print outs of our brochure cos the printer hadnt gotten the proofs yet for the mass one. Man, it's amazing how good and bad these guys in the printing shops are. They're good at getting stuff done on the pc, but when it comes to printing it, man they're just so.... inefficient. The guy wasted about 7 sheets where we only needed 5 copies cos he couldnt figure which way went in to get the right direction on the backside. Oh well... about an hour later we walk out with the stuff and get back to the office to cut the sheets and get it ready. So we start the look for stationery to cut it. You wont belive it. We couldnt find a blade. So I went up and finally found someone who had it.... well atleast something that's also called a blade. He gave me a scale and a Hacksaw blade. Yes... Hacksaw... the ones that cut wood, pvc, etc. I stared at the guy for a sec and he's like, "sir, paper cut pannum"... I'm sure it'll cut it man... just... Hacksaw????? Freaks!
Anyhow, I'm gonna buy some stationery and charge it to them tomorrow. I need the stuff and it's pretty sad that we dont have access to it.

So anyways the day came to an end and we went to the old JAA flats later to get that stupid tenant to clear out.. but ofcourse she was out and avoided us. I think I'll pay her a visit every week to put the pressure on. Or maybe I shud get some police strings pulled :P oh well... life goes on. And it is that time of the night where I'm passing out at the keyboard. So will sign off and call it a night! Good night y'all. Tomorrow will always be better... tomorrow is a brand new day and ride it!
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