Aug 04, 2004 14:20
1. AM or PM?
um... really early in the morning or late @ night
2. Date on your Birth Certificate:
August 12, 1988 Yeah my b-day is soon!
3. Middle name: i dont have one
4. Pets names:
My GPs(guinea pigs): Socki and Peaches(technically my sis's)
My Frog: Frog
My Beta: Beta
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake:
whaaaa??? who remembers that?
6. Clothes you are most comfy in:
pjs, when im having a good day, undies
7. describe everything you are wearing now: whaaaa???
8. Eye color: dark blue
9. Natural hair color: weird blonde... I wish it would change
10. Tattoos: yeah I wish...
11. How much do you love your country: I dunno... I wanna travel I'd like to be based in America but go other places alot
12. Least favorite color: Brown... I just dont understand it or maybe pastels or yucky greys
13. What planet were you born on: HeHeHe
14. Present residence: The one and only oil and refinery state where all the waste goes 2 human and non-human I Love My Friends :)
15. Least favorite food: ewww this gross seaweed salad I got once...
16. Name of toilet paper you use: whatevers on sale
17. Ever given or recieved oral sex: Eehemm...
18. Spit or Swallow: excuse me...
19. Witnessed a car accident?: Lol yeah... right after having a discusion about masterbation... seriously
20. A funny movie: Ace Ventura 1 & 2
20. Favorite season: the season when fire falls from the sky and... summer
21. Favorite months of the year: whaaa??? um... prolly august or july
24. Prefer city- or country-living: I dunno I'd wanna be in the city when I was young like 20 - 40 and after that the country or sumwhere near the beach
25. Favorite animals: dolphins, otters, sharks, chia pets, horses and tigers and all those other elegant creatures
26. How long is your hair: I wish it was longer...
28. What is your obsession: Being w/ Friends, Being artsy, Clothes, movies....Lately
29. Favorite sports to play: Is swimming a sport???
30. Describe your bedroom: It rox Hard Core! TIt's all sealifey (if that was a word) and shiney and pretty...
31. Least favorite cartoon character:
32. Do you write to penpals: Long ago people just started getting lazy and it wasnt me... *sigh*
33. Least favorite Fast-Food restaurant: I think I am one of the few women who would admit to liking fast food
34. When & where was your last vacation: South Carolina? last year? London definately wasnt a vacation... it was just like one loooong gig
35. What color are the socks you have on now: boring
36. How often have you been to the toilet today: yeah right...
37. Who is the person you get the most email from: Accent email
38. Have you ever been the victim of a crime: The Crime of Love
39. Which store do you like to shop at most: Bob's, Marshalls, Salvation Army! there are alot of store I go 2 w/out shopping I'm a cheap person
40. Do you sing while you are in the shower: If only I had my own place... Id probably annoy the neighbors
41. Your best friend: Literally? I just have lots of good friends and I love them all But Dan's the person I'm closest with...
42. Last thing you ate: oatmeal cookie yum...
43. Last thing you drank: water...
44. Should we have gone to war with Iraq: ALL WE ARE SAYING.... iS GIVE PEAS A CHANCE!
45. Who's been on your mind a lot lately: errrmmm...
46. Favorite old TV shows: Cosby makes me happy...
47. Last person you made out with: the only person I ever made out w/...
48. Time you get up for school: Soo tired... 7
49. Virgin? proudly
50. Bf / Gf? Single as a shingle (dont ask me what that means I just made it up wait it kinda makes sense...)