Someone at work just called me the Voice of Reason. Sharry keeps referring to me as Left Brain. By which she means that she thinks I am the only left brained person in the office. I have never thought of myself as being left-brained because I don't think I have any of the traits that left brained people have, unless you count...I don't know...logical being left-brained. I don't think she understands that "not being completely bat shit insane" is not necessarily a quality only of left-brained people.
She tells me that when I write advertisements for her my word usage is too bland, so she always has to add lots of adjectives.
I've somehow become in charge of her insane website, but she says I am making it too plain. Okay but seriously. Look at her old website:
http://www.nutrasounds.comwtf I'm not doing colors like that.
oh man. my life.