Nov 13, 2003 23:59
So, I was wanting to vent a little about my roommate troubles, but I'm still so frustrated with everything that I can't think straight about it! I guess I'll have to wait a little longer to write about it all.
I'll just say for now that it's gotten so bad that Ashley is talking about asking Kathy to move out!
It does make me feel better to know that Ashley and Erin are also annoyed with Kathy...It's not just me. It also makes me feel better that they don't know how to deal with her any more than I do.
Anyway, I got registered yesterday. I'm so relieved that it's done with. I get so stressed during registration time because I'm so worried my classes will close. But everything worked out pretty well...I'm taking:
General Teaching Methods
Instructional Media Technology
I'm actually pretty excited about Methods...I get to start doing site work in real classrooms! My schedule is pretty good also. I'm done with classes by at least one every day!
I started thinking about Christmas shopping yesterday, and I started to search the web for presents for my dad. I'd never used Ebay before, but I started looking around, and I found the perfect gift for him!! I bid on it today, and so I'm just waiting with my fingers crossed until sunday when the bidding ends. So far I'm the only bidder, but I'm really nervous that someone will swoop in at the last minute. I really want to win it because I know it's perfect and my dad will love it. We'll see.
Other than my dad, I have no idea what to get anyone for Christmas...usually I'm pretty good at thinking of gift ideas, but this year I'm having trouble.
Thats pretty much it for today...Sweet Dreams Everyone!
Snapple Fact: There are more telephones than people in Washington D.C.