ramble ramble ramble ... on a bad day!

Jan 26, 2012 21:49

It's been aaaaages since I updated my journal.. lolz... well, I have never written a diary before and I dont really like writing too so cant help it if I dont update my journals that often lolz...
Anyway... the last few days (this week really) has been really really shitty.. I've been so stressed that it's not funny anymore.. I even developed hives today (for the first time ever in my whole life)! and I've never had this before *cries hard* T,T  and it was really really crazily itchy!! If I can rip my skin open, I may have already done that! It's THAT itchy!
I thought I was allergic to some foods.. but nope!, it's purely emotional stress T.T  (because it's 4 hours before the hives appeared that I last ate)
work work work.. stress related work... *sigh*... I wish I can fly somewhere and dissapear... T.T
what a way to start the new year! T.T

anyway... so I got home.. took a shower.. and decided to watch the 2nd episode of Lucky Seven to make myself feel better! .. only to discover that this shitty desktop of mine has decided to laaaggg.... like, really2 lag... (maybe because the episode was in high def 720p .. and I know that often happens)...

So..abandoning the idea of watching Lucky seven, I've decided to watch something else.. and I stumbled across Arashi Time Summer Tour 2007 concert!!

I must say, Arashi must have this invicible incredible charming power to cheer you up.. because, believe it or not, after 10 minutes of watching this, my hives started to dissapear!! and this is real!! I could not believe it myself.. I wouldnt believe it if someone else told me this story.. but it really happens to me.....just a couple of hours ago!!  and believe me, the hives was all over my body and it was very itchy...

..... anyway.. continues on my ramble...

.... suddenly I started to smile.... and laugh.... and.... the incredible thing is.. my worries start to dissapear as well.........  my stress slowly recedes...... it's magic.... it's unbelievable... it's... undescribable....

oh.. Arashi... I thank God I knew you when I started this stressful job of mine! I would not know how to cope otherwise......

jun with your charming smile...
sho with your sillyness...
aiba with your cheerfulness...
ohno with your golden voice...
nino with your cheekyness...

arashi arashi arashi.. oh how i love thee..... the rainbow that brings happiness.... ^^
that's arashi for me .. for now... for this week at least...

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