Mar 02, 2011 17:06
~ Today is the second day of March!!! How time flies ...........
I woke up this morning at 6 AM with a right-sided headache!! Forced myself to sleep and had the strangest dream ever.......
The setting was at my old highschool and the school was invaded by strange aliens!! Everyone was asleep and no matter how hard I tried to wake them, they were still asleep....
I managed to save a colony of small spiders and put them outside...
As I tried to run to the exit, I was woken up...... unfortunately with the same headache!! It's still there!
So I went to work, took 2 tablets of pain killers.... felt like throwing up a couple of times but finally just before lunch time, the headache was gone!
Unfortunately I still have mountains of work to do... *sigh* *sigh* *sigh*................................
No matter! It's 5 o'clock now and it is time to go home and watch some Arashi to forget what has happened today............. ^^
Hope everyone else has a better day today! *BIG sigh* ...................