The round up is as follows;
1. Went to coffee again with Mister Leaving. It was fun. He sort of cut it short to go spend time with his grandma/possibly avoid spending more time with the Linsey.
2. A friend, E, called me and was complaining about a bum investment -- company is screwing over its investors and it sucks -- which I've heard about several times... and I accidentally bit of his head with a crying/strongly worded, "shut up, you rich bastard," rant. He's been very ginger in talking to me... apparently, I seemed stressed... albeit, I felt better after getting it out.
3. I trimmed my hair all on my own. Bonus Linsey points for doing it evenly.
4. I'm a mod for a cam-munity site --
Citizen X. I'm friendly, nice, and generally not real helpful at getting your webcam to work, but I try. Also, most of the folks there are British. They're nice. You should check it out... if you want to. So far, I've had a chatter offer to be obedient to me and ask me to show my feet on camera.
5. The hall closet in my house closes completely now. Primarily because its contents are in a pile in the hallway. Also, I've finally thrown away the first blush I ever owned... which was purchased when I was 12.
6. I located a pre-school friend on myspace. Who knew? I saw a picture and went, "well, his name is Eric... and he looks like *that* Eric... why not?" and it turned out to be him.
7. I held my niece, A, in a leglock while I put her hair in a ponytail. That girl is squirmy! I actually had to tuck her in so she couldn't wiggle to get her to take a nap in the afternoon!
8. I baked banana bread with my other niece, H, and she cracked her first egg! She also got to help measuring the flour, sugar, etc. and she was a superb banana smasher.