Title: Ambivalence - 01
Fandom: Gundam 00
Characters/Pairing: Ali-Al-Saachez x Lockon Stratos
Rating: T
Warnings: There is no love. In this chapter, there are some swearing, and nothing awfully explicit.
Summary: Post episode 23. Lockon is alive and taken captive. He meets...
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam 00, nor any of its characters.
Since my
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I... might be tempted into getting into Ali's past, but I don't have any good ideas for that right now. Might have to mull over it.
Heh, so the CG fandom has something to offer except naked girls? Imagine that. *s* Haven't seen it, but have heard a lot of bad stuff about it. Love has never been the focus point of Gundam animes, but I think that the creators have made efforts to draw in the female fans more in recent years, since they discovered that not just guys were into the Gundam shows. Some romance goes with the territory, I suppose, because while I may not be among those, the majority of female viewers do want it.
Hahaha! True, in CG, we do see quite a few of as-good-as-naked girls, but it's not all that bad. It's a series where I surprisingly didn't sympathise with any of the characters, and yet found myself enjoying it until the end. The story is good, and the irony/psychology (?) of no-one-is-the-ultimate-evil appealed to me.
I'm not in that majortiy either, it seems. In a kind of anime like 00, I don't need romance. Just deep, dark (if appropriate), interesting characters and a good plot is enough. And Lockon just about covered half of that criteria by the 2nd episode, so... XDDD
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