Title: Episode 4 - 05:27
Fandom: Gundam 00
Genre and Rating: General - PG
Summary: the infamous kiss scene in episode 4
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam 00, nor any of its characters.
animegoil and
dark_malignity convinced me to take up the idea of writing a series of drabbles based on scenes from each episode. Of course, with the ghost ^_^
So, here's the second one.
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Poor baby. He'll always be in his big brother's shadow, isn't he? ;_;
It makes him interesting. He's certainly not like his brother, and give me a moment to fangirl Miki Shinichiro for making such a huuuuge contrast between Neil and Lyle. *^_^* I wish there would be a scene where Miki-san will have to voice both of them in one conversation. I would die from sheer happiness.
But I don't believe he'll always in his brother's shadows. I mean, Neil's shadow can only reach so far, since he's gone. I think he'll catch up ^_^
(sorry, I rambled)
And now I'm rambling. ^^;
And no, that's not called rambling ^_^
that would be so much more than awesome. but i dont think it'll happen, cos the preview had chibi lockon screaming "why do i only get to appear in flashback scenes!" so hmmm. we can always hope that god of gundam [s]there is no god left in this world. only gundam[/s] would hear our prayers tho. special episodes, movies, omakes... anything's possible. *rubs hands*
(aside: you know you're nuts when you start quoting G00 in your everyday conversations. Y/N.) XD
Special episodes, YES PLEASE!
(oh, I wonder if it was a bad thing when I muttered "Nerai utsuze" when pretending to shoot a fellow classmate last week...^^;)
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