TVD The End of the Affair - rewatch thoughts

Oct 02, 2011 13:42

Here's what I picked up while watching this episode another time ...

I do so enjoy Damon/Katherine interaction (especially now that he's totally over her). 
Nice cut going from Damon  asking Kat where they are to Klaus saying "Welcome back to Chicago."
Ahh, flashback :)
So, Monterrey was the migrant village that Stefan wiped out, and then got lonely. 
Stefan sporting tails and a swagger - WOW, big difference from the Stefan I know. 
"Oh, I always do."  and "Careful, Mr. Salvatore, you're still wearing your date.  She's lovely."  - Awesome entrance for the as yet unnamed Rebekah.

Damon:  "Mmm, rise and shine sleepyhead" - YUM :D Ian's voice is just sinful :P
Damon:  "You know you were dreaming about me.  Explains the drool." - Ian is the master of line delivery. 
Damon:  "Came to me in a dream.  I was naked. You would've loved it.  Start packing." - LOL
Elena:  "It's an antique, Damon, like you." - great, snarky comeback, Elena. 
Damon:  "I'm shocked!  Stefan's not a virgin?" - You rock, Mr. Somerhalder :D

Rebekah:  "It'd take alot more than a babyface like this to offend me."
Stefan:  "Hey, are you ever going to tell me your name?'
Rebekah:  "Sure, when you earn it.  Now do Gloria a favor and stick a sock in it."
  Love the chemistry between Rebekah and Stefan.

Gloria:  "Old and dead?  Now, if I die, who's going to run this place?"  - I'm liking her already.

Great reveal - that picture of Stefan & Klaus is certainly worth a thousand words.

Random observation - make up team went a little heavy on Ian's eye makeup in the scene outside Stefan's Chicago apartment.

Ahhh, so Elena's necklace is magical and belonged to an Original that Stefan was in love with .... hmmm, the plot thickens.

Klaus:  "In fact, I learned some of my favorite tricks from you."  - WOW, Ripper!Stefan taught Klaus tricks????

Gloria:  "I always did like you better." - Finally, someone has the sense to like Damon over Stefan!!! Yippee.

Klaus:  "My favorite.  Let's go find someone to pair it with."  - you can be deliciously evil sometimes.

Elena:  "Finally, I called you an hour ago!"
Damon:  "Make yourself presentable. I know where Stefan's going to be tonight."
Elena:  "I told you that I was practically discovered by Klaus, and you're worried about what I'm wearing?"
Damon:  "I had an hour to realize what a bad idea it was to leave you here alone, process it, and move on.  Are you okay?"
Elena:  "Yeah."

This was so telling of how much Elena depends on Damon, and expects him to come running when she calls (even when she's being all bitchy and taking things out on him).  I loved how Damon softened a little when he asked her if she was okay.

Damon:  "But you're going to have about 5 minutes tops before that hybrid freak rips my heart out, so please tell me you can do this."
Elena:  "I can do this."

It's so great that Damon makes the situation and it's possible consequences clear to Elena beforehand.  This is certainly something that she only gets from Damon (not once has Stefan ever given her all the details.).  It also makes it very clear that Damon is willing to risk his life so that she can try to get Stefan back.  I don't know that the same could be said for Stefan.

Stefan:  "But why?  You shouldn't have to cover your tracks unless you're running from someone."  - I'm thinking Elijah.

Klaus:  "I see they've opened the doors to the riff-raff now."
Damon:  "Oh, honey, I've been called worse."

They have some great writers on this show.

Klaus:  "You see, I'm torn.  I promised Stefan that I wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did I sign up for?  Clearly you want to die, otherwise you wouldn't be here. " - LMAO.  Klaus/Damon interaction is highly amusing.

On my first watch, I missed that Elena had a vervain dart in her hand.  Apparently her hand on his face and hug wasn't enough to distract him - not surprising now that Stefan's in ripper mode.  It's very telling of Elena's image of Stefan that she believed the same actions she used after Stefan's slip in season one would be just as effective now.  She really is in complete denial (and not only about Stefan).

Klaus:  "Really?"
Gloria:  "Not in my bar.  You take it outside."

Gloria, you are officially in my very good books!!!  Anyone who saves my bb, Damon, gets a lifetime pass with me.

The SE break-up scene actually looked better and made more sense to me this time around.  Stefan actually called Elena on her unrealistic view of how things would be if he went back.  He really does seem like he's move past that chapter in his life.  I believe that he wants Elena to be safe, but the all-consuming love has significantly dimished.  Also, she didn't go to the drastic lengths to persuade him that I thought she would. She may not be able to face it yet, but in her heart I think she knows that her & Stefan are over now.

I got jealousy vibes from Klaus when he calls Stefan's name to make him turn away from Rebekah. . I think Klaus could be harboring feelings beyond friendship for Stefan.

Of course, Elena has something that Klaus needs ...

Nina seems more vibrant as Katherine in this episode.  What a cute (and totally different) look for Kat in the 20s :D

All in all, a very good episode with lots of backstory, and tidbits, and things to look forward to. Initially, I thought the title referred more to Stefan & Rebekah in the 20's (and loosely Klaus/Stefan's friendship) but on rewatch it could also be for present-day Stefan & Elena.  

nina dobrev, elena gilbert, the vampire diaries, stefan salvatore, favorite quotes, damon salvatore, damon/elena, ian somerhalder

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