The Vampire Diaries 2x21 - The Sun Also Rises

May 07, 2011 21:39

What an emotionally powerful episode!!!!   I shed my share of tears (as I'm sure you all did) and was emotionally slayed numerous times.  This is why I adore this show so very much.  How on God's green earth am I going to survive the summer hiatus????

OK, now onto my thoughts about this episode.

Let me start with the moments that emotionally "slayed" me (and there were several):

Damon's reaction to Alaric telling him of Stefan's offer to Klaus (at the abandoned house)

He looked utterly wrecked at the thought of Stefan dying.  The acute pain was written all over his face as he exclaimed Stefan's name. This was followed up with "That's my brother for you, always cleaning up my messes."  That statement show Damon's extreme guilt and non-existent self-esteem as he feels it's his fault that he couldn't stop Jenna from being caught and therefore Stefan needed to step in. This made me ache so very much for Damon, as he simply can't see how much good he does (or at least won't acknowledge it within himself).  I felt that Damon was referring to the times he'd made impulsive decisions, and Stefan cleaned up after him (ie Vicky).

Stefan watching Elena die (at the quarry)

His expression was gut-wrenching.  I can't imagine how hard that must be to witness the love of your life as she dies.

Damon placing Elena next to Stefan (at the quarry)

This act tugged at my heartstrings something fierce.  Maybe it was the simplicity of Damon giving his brother what he needed, when inside all he'd want to do is wait for her to wake up.

Damon and Elena on the couch (at the aboandoned house)

"Come back as a vampire and I'll stake you myself, *whispers so help me God, because I can't stand the idea of you hating me forever."

The total vulnerability and love on Damon's face had me simply dying inside.  That coupled with his expression when she finally wakes up had me completely undone.  I adore that he was the one there when she came around.

Damon and Stefan in the cemetary

The brotherly bond was so very powerful in this scene as Damon wants to make sure that Stefan has a plan.  Stefan's "We kept Elena human.  We found a way when there was no way.  Hey, I will do this."  was perfectly delivered and just hit home with me.  Stefan's gutted expression as Damon leaves the cemetary was all kinds of awesome.

Jenna's death

This was the one that started me crying.  Elena's reaction coupled with the expression on Jenna's face was more than I could contain.  Both Sara and Nina absolutely nailed their performances.

Elena's death

Nina Dobrev is the best actress on televison IMHO.  Her performance of that death scene was flawless. I could not stop bawling as she crumpled to the ground lifeless.

Bonnie (at the quarry)

She was totally hot in her BAMFness!!!  She has certainly redeemed herself in my eyes.  I especially loved this exchange between her and Elijah:

Bonnie:  Do it and I'll take you both out.  
Elijah:  You'll die. 
Bonnie:  I don't care!

So, you can see that there were no shortage of emotional, powerful scenes (which I'm a total sucker for).  Ian, Nina, and Paul all gave superlative performances,  as did Sara Canning and David Anders.  It was wonderful that John was finally a good father to Elena at the end.  His death scene also moved me (just not as much as Elena and Jenna's).  The 3 lead actors must have been just exhausted after filming that episode with the amount of heavy stuff to cover.


Katherine:  I didn't let love get in the way

Damon:  Enjoy an eternity alone, Katherine.

Stefan:  I know I've wanted to kill my brother a thousand times.  Never been able to.

Elijah:  Sometimes there is honour in revenge, Stefan.

Stefan:  Please end this

Elijah:  In the name of our family, Niklaus


OMFG, Ian is so beautiful in the sunlight!!  badboy_fangirl said it better though "It's like he's ensconced by Angel Glow"

During the first part of Jenna's burial, Damon is the only one moving but pauses when he's in Elena's eyeline.  That just took my breath away ... the power of their connection was palpable at that moment.

The shot when Jeremy enters Elena's room, he's simply heartbreaking.  The expression on his face as he hugs Elena was the personification of innocence lost.

I am now a Forwood fan.  I love the caring and camraderie between these two supernatural beings.

There you go.  Sorry if this post was hard to follow or scattered.  The bonds of family, friends, and lovers showed such strength, and fierceness, and loyalty in this episode.  I can't even fathom how I'm going to get through the season finale on Thursday. 

nina dobrev, bonnie bennett, elena gilbert, aunt jenna, the vampire diaries, stefan salvatore, paul wesley, damon salvatore, ian somerhalder

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