The Vampire Diaries - My favorite quotes

Feb 28, 2011 00:11

At the end of the Vampire Diaries 30 day meme, I posted my favorite quotes from the first half of season 1.  Now, I'm back with the same thing from the rest of season.  This encompasses Unpleasantville (1 x 12) through Founder's Day (1 x 22).

This time around, I've organized them by character, but random order within the characters.  (Did that make any sense???).


"If I see something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it" (1 x 13 Children of the Damned)

"No, Elena.  I will not go to your bedroom with you!"  (1 x 18 Under Control)

Alaric:  She's human!!!
Damon:  And I'm not.  So, I don't care.  Now get out of here and get rid of the body.
   (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

"Go ahead.  Think about it.  I'll wait. ... Ding, ding, ding, ding!!"  (1 x 21 Isobel)

"...after today's events, the remains of the shaky ground that I walk on are about to go kaboom."  (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

Damon:  I like you better like this.  Period look, it didn't suit you. 
Elena:  Is that an insult?
Damon:  Actually, Elena, it is a compliment of the highest order.
   (1 x 22 Founder's Day)

"You made sure of that many years ago, Stefan.  But you, you had me fooled." (1 x 13 Children of the Damned)

"I can't protect you, Elena.  I don't know how many vampires there are in there.  *snaps fingers*  That's how long it takes you to get your head ripped off. . . I can't be distracted with your safety.  Or this'll end up a bloodbath that NONE of us walk away from, including Stefan.  I know.  I get it.  I understand." 
(1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

"Today's been a no-good, very bad day."  (1 x 19 Miss Mystic Falls)

"I wish I could believe you." (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

"Ohhh, Cherie, you won again.  Hope I'm wearing my good undies." (1 x 21 Isobel)

Damon:  Ahhh. Just like I remembered.
Elena:   Stop messing around.
    (1 x 18 Under Control)

"If I had a good side, not a way to get on it."  (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

"She's not here!"  (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

Alaric:  Hell, you're a dick and you kill people, but I still see something human in you.
Damon:  Isobel chose the easier road ... If you could turn it off, wouldn't you?
Alaric:  You haven't.
Damon:  Of course I have, Ric.  That's why I'm so fun to be around.
    (1 x 21 Isobel)

Damon:  Have you ever been so bent on someone, just to have your heart ripped out by them?
Liz:  You forget.  I was married.
      (1 x 15 A Few Good Men)

"We have a problem, Stefan.  And when I say problem, I mean global crisis."  (1 x 18 Under Control)

Stefan:  Then why?
Damon:  Because she turned you.  It was just supposed to be me, Stefan
   (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

Elena:  Stefan?
Damon:  Better.  Me.
Elena:  You look ...
Damon:  Dashing, gorgeous, irresistible...
Elena:  Wrecked.  You look wrecked.  
   (1 x 15 A Few Good Men)

Elena:  I would say "drop dead" but ...
Damon:  Ha ha.  Stefan likes puppy blood.  Those little golden retriever puppies with cute floppy ears.  That's his favorite.  
  (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

"Well, he doesn't want to be me but that doesn't mean deep down that he's not.  Mmm hmmm."  (1 x 18 Under Control)

"Why do you get a happy ending and I don't?"  (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

"No, Stefan, thank you.  You're back on bambi blood and I'm the big bad-ass brother again.  All's right in the world." (1 x 20  Blood Brothers)

"Damn, you're strong for a little thing!"(1 x 13 Children of the Damned)

Damon:  I have so many emotions but I don't have a way to express them.  Being a teenager is so hard.
Jeremy:  Dick.
     (1 x 22 Founder's Day)

"Could you turn it up a little?  It's not annoying, yet."  (1 x 18 Under Control)

"Yeah.  About that ..."  (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

Damon:  ... and it's Founder's Day. I'm here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl.
. . .
Stefan:  Actually, I just have no sense of Damon humor.
. . .
Damon:  I get it, I get it.  I'm the better, hotter, superior choice.
    (1 x 22 Founder's Day)

"I know.  But I don't know how to get him out."  (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

"Don't look at me like that.  I told you we had company" (1 x 12 Unpleasantville)

"I wanted it to be real.  I'm trusting you. Don't make me regret it" (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

Alaric:  Oh man.  I've got to stop this.  I can't keep looking for her.  
Damon:  Really?  After only 2 years?  That's moderately healthy.
   (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

"I'm not compelling you.  I just want you to answer me honestly."(1 x 13 Children of the Damned)

"Are you insane???"  (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

Damon:  Where'd our girlfriend go?
Stefan:  She's on her way to The Grill.
   (1 x 15 A Few Good Men)

"A failed and feeble attempt at doing the right thing."  (1 x 22 Founder's Day)

Elena:  Oh good.  You're here.
Damon:  You ask, I come.  I'm easy like that.  
    (1 x 18 Under Control)

Damon:  How many of those vervain darts do you have left?
Alaric:  One.
Damon:  Not going to be enough. 
      (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

"Little boy lost."  (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

"Go ahead, grovel again.  Oh, wait. No. I don't care." (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

"Oh, don't look at me like that.  I know you hate me. [stage whisper] Everyone hates me.  But you can't deny, we were Bad Ass."  (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

"Now that I have your attention.  Listen up.  You do not come into my town and threaten people I care about.  Going after Elena?  Bad move.  You leave her alone or I will rip you to bits because I do believe in killing the messenger.  You know why?  Because it sends a message.  Katherine wants something from me, you tell that little bitch to come get it herself."  (1 x 21 Isobel)

"Ugh.  Who cares?  She left you.  She sucks."  (1 x 15 A Few Good Men)

"Well then, you should just carry on making the rest of us vampires look bad."  (1 x 18 Under Control)

"But your life is valuable.  Yours, on the other hand ..."  (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

"From the moment Stefan had his first taste of human blood, he was a different person."  (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

Alaric:  You're not going to kill her, period. 
Damon:  She ruined your life and you still want to protect her?
    (1 x 21 Isobel)

Damon:  ... I own them.  They belong to me.  You are not allowed to feel my guilt. 
Stefan:  Do you feel guilt?
Damon:  If I wanted to.  It's there. 
     (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

"I know, I know ... ME!"  (1 x 18 Under Control)

"Well. Don't you look ... alive."  (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

"Nothing is important. Not anymore."  (1 x 15 A Few Good Men)

Alaric:  Can we not kill anyone tonight, please?
Damon:  You just brought me along for my company?
Damon:  Let's not kill anyone tonight.  Your words. Just pointing that out.
   (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

"You know, I really like this whole menage-a-threesome team thing.  It's got a bit of a kink to it.  Don't screw it up."  (1 x 13 Children of the Damned)

"It's different this time.  The need is too strong.  Of course it would be, after all these years.  Have a good night, brother."  (1 x 18 Under Control)

Anna: Then he [Stefan] won't be happy when I kill her if I don't get what I want.
Damon:  When do you want to do this?
Anna:  God. It's like 1864 all over again. 
     (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

"Well, Stefan's helping and you've taken up residence in Stefan's bed. Ergo ..." (1 x 13 Children of the Damned)

"If you think there is not another part to this, then youuuuu have not been paying attention."  (1 x 18 Under Control)

"Have fun with the Mystic Queen.  I know I did. ... Elena called."  (1 x 21 Isobel)

"Great party, by the way, huh?"  [immediately after he informed Stefan that he just killed Uncle John]  (1 x 18 Under Control)

Damon:  Let me ask you a question . . . Did you ever manage to get the rest of the story?
Elena:  He said there was more. 
Damon:  Yeah.  That's an understatement.
Elena:  Damon.  Damon, tell me.
   (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

"Well, well.  He's a liar and a thief."  (1 x 19 Miss Mystic Falls)

Damon:  Teacher by day, vampire hunter by night.
Alaric:  I have you to thank for that. 
   (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

"Yes.  You are a complete nuisance."  (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

"Have I entered an alternate universe where Stefan is fun?"  (1 x 18 Under Control)

Damon:  Before I hang up, how did you get this number?
Alaric:  It's a mystery. 
   (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

"And when you do tell Elena, and she needs a friend to talk to about anything, I'm here for her."  (1 x 21 Isobel)

Damon:  I saw her killed.  I was watching and all I could think about was:  I wanted to help her, but I couldn't.
Jeremy:  Why are you telling me all this?
Damon:  I took away your suffering once before.  I can do it again, but it's your choice.  
Jeremy:  Look.  I know you think you took it away but it's still there, even if I can't remember why.  I still feel empty, alone and making me forget won't fix it.  It won't fix what's really wrong. 
Damon:  What I did to Vicki was wrong.  Sorry for my part.
    (1 x 22 Founder's Day)

"Is that whiskey that you've been drinking all day doing it's job?"  (1 x 18 Under Control)

Damon:  Oh. God.  You're still here?
Elena:  Were you expecting anything else?
Damon:  Nope.
  (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

"Don't embarrass me, young man."  (1 x 18 Under Control)

Damon:  You're very trusting of him.  Given the circumstances.
Elena:  So are you.  Otherwise, you wouldn't be leaving.
Damon:  I won't be long.
   (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

Elena:  What about you?
Damon:  You rescue, I'll distract.
    (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

"You've got to be kidding me."  (1 x 18 Under Control)

Elena:  She wants to see me, Damon. 
Damon:  You don't have to see her if you don't want to. 
     (1 x 21 Isobel)

"Ohhh. Buzzkill Bob."  (1 x 15 A Few Good Men)

"It's not piano lessons, honey."  (1 x 21 Isobel)

"There was a time when I trusted him [Stefan] more than anyone."(1 x 13 Children of the Damned)

Stefan:  I have to get my strength back up.
Damon:  I have 2 liters of Soccer Mom in the fridge. 
    (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

Damon:  I'm not a hero, Elena.  I don't do good.  It's not in me.  
Katherine [as Elena]:  Maybe it is. 
Damon:  No.  That's reserved for my brother and you and Bonnie.  Even though she has every reason to hate, she still helped Stefan save me.
Katherine [as Elena]:  Why do you sound so surprised?
Damon:  Because she did it for you.  Which means that somewhere along the way, you decided that I was worth saving.  And I wanted to thank you for that.  
Katherine [as Elena]:  You're welcome.
   (1 x 22 Founder's Day)


Elena:  So I think you should stop with the flirty, little comments and that eye thing that you do.
Damon:  What eye thing? mmm
Elena:  Don't make me regret being your friend.  Okay?  **Damon nods
   (1 x 22 Founder's Day)

Elena:  I've earned snarky.
Damon:  It's not like I had a choice.  She's ... scary.
Elena:  I've accepted the fact that you're a self-serving psychopath with no redeeming qualities.
   (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

Elena:  He has to eat.  What's his favorite kind of um ...
Damon:  His favorite kind of what?
Elena:  Type of animal blood that her prefers?
Damon:  Ewwww, gross...
   (1 x 19 Miss Mystic Falls)

"You and I, we have something.  An understanding."  (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

Elena:  Don't do that, okay?  Don't pretend like you don't care.
Damon:  Where are you going?
   (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

"If it's not vampires, it's girlfriends."  (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

Isobel:  Not important.  He was a teenage waste-of-space.
Elena:  A name would be nice. 
   (1 x 21 Isobel)

"Damon, please ..."  (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

"As my father, it should."  (1 x 22 Founder's Day)

Elena:  Don't forget who helped me. 
Damon:  I hate myself.
   (1 x 21 Isobel)

"He's hurt.  There's a difference."  (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

Damon:  I don't trust you.  I tried to kill you. 
Bonnie:  Hmmm, right.  You can't trust me. 
Elena:  But you can trust me.  Thank you. 
   (1 x 21 Isobel)


"I'm not sad.  I'm freaking hungry!!"  (1 x 19 Miss Mystic Falls)

Stefan:  What do you mean?  I'm perfectly safe.  I have Damon, the self-serving psychopath on my side.
Elena:  That's comforting.
   (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

"No, no, no.  You have to beg the sober me.  The drunk me, there's no begging neccesary."  (1 x 18 Under Control)

Stefan:  I'm clean.  
Damon:  You're lying.
  (1 x 19 Miss Mystic Falls)

"Now you remember that, because it's never going to happen again."  (1 x 12 Unpleasantville)

Elena:  I'm sorry.  He just makes me so cranky.
Stefan:  I know.  He makes everyone cranky. 
   (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

"Have my actions negatively impacted you?  I can't imagine what that must feel like."  (1 x 19 Miss Mystic Falls)

Stefan:  I really liked you a whole lot better when you hated everybody. 
Damon:  Oh, I still do.  I just love that they love me. 
   (1 x 18 Under Control)

"Oh, absolutely.  '72 - Hef and the twins ... I got Miss June."  (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

"I'm sorry.  I can't.  I'm afraid of what I could do to you."  (1 x 18 Under Control)

Damon:  Not possible.
Stefan:  Not only is it possible, it is quite true.
   (1 x 19 Miss Mystic Falls)

"I try so hard to hate him.  I guess it's just pointless."  (1 x 22 Founder's Day)

"Is that a bad thing?  Would you prefer me to be brooding and tortured?"  (1 x 19 Miss Mystic Falls)

Damon:  Oh.  There's only 1 do-gooder hero role available?  My bad.  I'm sorry.
Stefan:  ... and I know that that is an entirely foreign concept to you.  I completely understand how you wouldn't get it. 
   (1 x 22 Founder's Day)

"The blood brings out what's inside of me.  If you think any differently, then you're an idiot."  (1 x 19 Miss Mystic Falls)


"Oh my God, it is so good to see you.  No. I can't"  (1 x 18 Under Control)

"And hot guy plus drunk me equals very bad things"  (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

Jenna:  That's a good look for you.
Alaric:  What?  Embarrassed, uncomfortable.
Jenna:  That's the one.
   (1 x 15 A Few Good Men)

Jenna:  This is not going to end well.
Damon:  Can't wait.  
   (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

"I'm sorry.  That was a seriously lame pick-up."  (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

Jeremy:  Why does she hate you?
John:  We used to sleep together.
Jenna:  *throws balled up bag*  I'm standing right here!
   (1 x 18 Under Control)

[drunk] Jenna:  Hide.  We're not here.
Kelly:  Why?  Where did we go?
Jenna:  Children under our care 5 o'clock.  This is not role-modelish.
Kelly:  Damn.  
   (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)


Alaric:  I'm ring free.  I'm vervain free.  So, either kill me or compel me, because I don't believe it.  Not for a second. 
Isobel:  I loved you.  I did.  And when I think about what I gave up, it hurts.  But now your heart's free of me.  It's easier this way.  Good bye, Ric.
   (1 x 21 Isobel)

Isobel:  Because I wasn't lost, Ric.
Alaric:  Screw you.  You selfish bitch.
   (1 x 21 Isobel)

Damon:  There had to be some reason I didn't kill her.
Alaric:  That's enough, Damon.  I don't want to hear anymore.  I just don't want to waste any more of my life searching for answers that I really don't want. 
   (1 x 20  Blood Brothers)

"Apparently, the community leaders feel that's more important than World War II.  But, hey, what do I know?"  (1 x 19 Miss Mystic Falls)

"Yeah.  The part where I try and kill you again.  Only this time, I don't miss."  (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

Isobel:  And Mulder was right in the end. 
Alaric:  You're like Mulder.  Only hotter and a girl.
   (1 x 15 A Few Good Men)

"No, definitely not a date.  But Friday, you, me dinner and a movie, that could be a date.  How 'bout it?"  (1 x 12 Unpleasantville)

(all quotes are from 1 x 21 Isobel)

Isobel:  All of which I'm sure you've thought about.
Elena:  *shakes head*
Isobel:  That was your first lie.

"Don't kill the messenger.  We both know you can't control katherine.  She does what she wants. ... What should we do now?  Oh, yeah.  Memory serves..."

"And I think you underestimate how much Damon cares about you."

"I'll kill him to prove you wrong."

Isobel:  No, I was going to kill him.  Don't look for any redeeming qualities in me, I don't have any.
Elena:  You took a risk with Damon.  How did you know that he was going to give it to me?
Isobel:  Because he's in love with you.

"But we all know that you are not Katherine."

"She's our daughter, John.  I don't want this life for her."


"This took about 2 hours, so I'm at least staying half of that."  (1 x 12 Unpleasantville)

"I'm so not going to be one of those girls who disappear just because I have a new boyfriend."  (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

"Hey.  So, I have a speech.  It's fully scripted and well rehearsed.  Are you ready for it?"  (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

"Shouldn't we do something a little bit more ... bachelor-paddy?  (1 x 15 A Few Good Men)

"Yeah.  This is much better than watching Damon visit Cougar-town.  (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

"I don't like sports cars.  They're too hard to make out in."  (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

"You don't get it.  Why would you?  You're everyone's first choice."  (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

Caroline:  Ow!  Sports cars.
Matt:  Yeah.
  (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

Caroline:  How'd you know?
Bonnie:  You channel Scarlet daily.
Caroline:  So true. 
   (1 x 21 Isobel)

"I don't like it.  And I can't fix it if I don't know what's wrong."  (1 x 21 Isobel)

Tyler:  I said I was sorry. 
Caroline:  You made out with his mother, then you beat him to a pulp.  You're going to have to do a little bit better than sorry.
   (1 x 22 Founder's Day)

(all quotes are from 1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

Matt:  That's because you're that guy.
Stefan:  What guy?
Matt:  The guy who seems like he has everything so the people that don't kinda run the other way. 
Stefan:  That what I seem like?
Matt:  Pretty much.
Stefan:  Hm, what a dick.
Matt:  Yeah.

Stefan:  Matt's cheating. 
Matt:  No need.  I'm awesome!

"I was there because I wanted to be with you. ... I do know that you are the only person I want to be in this car with right now."


Jeremy:  You'd suffer through all of this, just to hang out with me?
Anna:  Yeah.  I would.
Jeremy:  That's um ...
Anna:  Stupid, pathetic, old, lurky me?
Jeremy:  Awesome.  It's awesome. 
   (1 x 20  Blood Brothers)

"There are some people, they fit in life or whatever.  I don't."  (1 x 17 Let the Right One In)

"Just don't.  You can't fix this that easily.  Something like this doesn't just get fixed."  (1 x 22 Founder's Day)


"Dude.  You gotta stop doing that."  (1 x 13 Children of the Damned)

"Your brother may have mentioned me.  I mean, we're practically dating."  (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

"Trust me.  No one I know wants to see that girl again.  Except Damon, the lovestruck idiot."  (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)
"Yeah.  I think we'll skip the dead-mom bonding, so you can start serving a purpose."  (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

"You really are Katherine's doppelganger.  You must have the Salvatore brothers reeling."  (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

"All right then.  Step aside."  (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

Anna:  Maybe I'm a sucker for guys like you. 
Jeremy:  Like what?
Anna:  Lost. 
   (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

Anna:  You're something else entirely. 
Jeremy:  I am?  What would that be?
Anna:  My weakness. 
   (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

Jeremy:  That feels good.
Anna:  Good bye.
   (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

"I know I'm not supposed to be here, but I don't have anywhere else to go."  (1 x 21 Isobel)

"I know you.  What it's like for you.  Being alone.  Always feeling empty inside.  No one to understand."  (1 x 22 Founder's Day)


"Have a seat, Damon.  I was hoping we could have a word."  (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

"I have 400 years on you, little boy.  I'll rip you limb from limb without even blinking and you know it."  (1 x 16 There Goes the Neighborhood)

"... and then, Mr. Gilbert, may you rot in hell."  (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

"You gave me my life back.  I am just trying to protect yours."  (1 x 20 Blood Brothers)

Bonnie and Sheila (Grams)

Bonnie:  Be bold.  And fearless. (1 x 13 Unpleasantville)

Grams:  Spirits talk, Mr. Salvatore, and so does my granddaughter.  You are no friend to us.  Now, get off my porch.  (1 x 14 Fool Me Once)

Bonnie:  ...That's not me and that can't be us.  You're my friend, Elena.  If you need me, I'm here for you.  I'm sorry I couldn't show you that yesterday.  (1 x 21 Isobel)

ETA Link to Quotes from first half of Season 1

Vampire Diaries 30 day meme - Day 30

pearl, alaric saltzman, anna, matt donovan, isobel, bonnie bennett, elena gilbert, caroline forbes, aunt jenna, the vampire diaries, favorite quotes, damon salvatore

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