Ahhhhhhh it is finally Friday but it still seems like the beginning of the week.
This morning was quite an adventure. (Like my life is not already).
Brianna had a doctors appointment at 8:15, we get right in, she gets weighed (she gained only ½ a pound) and it is just about time for her 3 shots from turning 4. I have been trying to prep her for the last few days that it will hurt a little.
Things go like this…
After me explaining that she is still highly congested and also has a terrible cough and a runny nose again after coming off the medication this time. They look a little deeper. Her lungs sounded very bad per the doctor. So they let me know that she has asthmatic bronchitis. ESSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH
They ended up giving her a breathing treatment and after that was done her nose was just starting to fill with the gew that was in her lungs. We were given a nebulizer to use at home and also some more antibiotics to help with the infection part.
Then it came to time for a pee pee sample. Ok so lets imagine Lindsay with her hands in the toilet explaining to a 4 year old that she has to pee in the cup. In the mean time she lets me know that she is going poop. AHHHHHH my hands my hands!
But she did give me a small amount. I had to reassure her that the pee pee was going to the pee fairy.
Next came the prick of the finger for blood. My goodness she was not happy. But I helped her brush it off. Once I noticed it stop bleeding I took a paper towel and wet it to get the blood off her finger and she told me WOW that is a magic paper towel, we will just set this in your purse for later.
Next came the shots. Now to a 4 year old, when a doctor comes in with a glass plate and 3 needles this is not a good sign! She grabbed onto me like someone was about to steal her. Begging me no Lindsay no. ACKKKKKK she got to me. Those damn tears of mine. But I had to be strong. This is were it punched me in the stomach. I had to hold her down since she was not about to take these shots willingly. So after the shots we are notified that I need to take her right away to get chest and sinus x rays taken.
This poor child. All this in one day. She is like mighty mouse.
That is about all for now in that department.
This weekend is going to be filled with tons of fun. We are going to pick up Uncle TJ this evening and then order some pizza and have a lazy evening. They need a little time with each other since it has been awhile since she has seen him.
Then in the morning it is off with Lindsay to get her hair done. Yes I need to get it cut and my stylist is always booked. On top of it my hair has gotten so long from the last time she cut it. The rest of Saturday has not yet been determined. I assume some swimming, lunch, the park and anything else they might want to do.
Sunday is the grand ole party at the mouse house. That dare mouse will sucker you every time.
Anywho, pictures of this weekend’s lovely event will come soon.
Have a safe and wonderful weekend!