I'm monitoring the Conservative party conference with more than a smidgen of interest at the moment, partially because I'm noticing more and more that I'm agreeing with what Cameron, Osborne and co are saying, and partially because I'm completely disillisioned with the Labour mob currently in charge.
Which I suppose would be fair enough, but... I come from Rotherham. Rotherham is die-hard Labour country. They could put up Sooty for election as Labour candidate there and he'd still get in. Seriously. People would rather vote for the British National Party, complete with Neo-Nazi overtones, than either Tory or Lib Dem. Heck, at one time the Monster Raving Loony Party got more votes than the Tories. There is a deep rooted mistrust and actual hatred of the Tories up there. Sure, the current council might be as bent as a nine-bob note (which if you ask me, they are), but, so the people tell themselves, at least they're not the Tories.
Of course, South Yorkshire as a whole - and many other areas of the country - were badly hit during the 1980s, thanks to Thatcher's policies. People think elephants don't forget, but that pales into insignificance compared to upset Yorkshire folk, believe me.
People in Rotherham are fed up of Labour, but they cannot bring themselves to consider any other mainstream political party. The Lib Dems just don't register, and they still feel like they were brutally shafted by Thatcher and co during the 1980s, and they will not ever vote Tory on principle. Even if they were feeling let down by Labour and the Tories were the only serious alternative, people in Rotherham would still not vote Tory. People wondering at the rise of the BNP in certain areas would do well to consider this phenomenon, I think.
Well, anyway, that's my political upbringing dealt with...
... which means I'm rather surprised that I'm listening to Mr Cameron, and actually agreeing with him more than I disagree with him, and crucially, more than I agree with Mr Brown.
I want to think about this a lot more, but it certainly appears that I'll be more than likely voting Conservative at the next election. And that's the thing I can't get my head around. It feels like a die-hard vegan suddenly announcing a craving for a nice thick juicy steak. It's strange and confusing territory. I think I've had a suspicion I'd become middle class for some time, but now it's been confirmed to me...
I think if I admit this the next time I go up North, I may get lynched!