I was musing the other day on how impatient people seem to be these days, pretty much everywhere you go; on the roads, in the supermarket, wherever. And how people just don't seem to be, well, nice to people any more. There's no please, no thank you... no real humanity in any interaction. Plus, everyone seems desperate to have someone to look down on, just to try and push themselves up a bit.
Then I read
this. So no, it's not just me.
I consider it a challenge for me a) not to get impatient myself (as I do have a tendency to be a stroppy mare) and b) to treat everyone I come across with courtesy and respect. After all, we're all human, and no matter what I'd like to think sometimes, we're all on the same level. At the end of the day, it isn't going to cost me anything to spare a kind word or maybe brighten someone's day a bit, and I think long-term that has a better effect.