"Do you wanna be in my gang?"

Jul 21, 2008 19:55

Once again, I've found that using Facebook has advantages and disadvantages.  On the good side, people can find me and get in touch with me, but on the bad side... people can find me and get in touch with me.  (Same with Friends Reunited.  Only now they show my married name on my profile, the gits.  I was hiding quite happily till then...)

I'm just wondering why people who I never really got on with at school, that I haven't seen or heard from in 13 years, suddenly want to be my 'friend' on Facebook?  Why?  Is it that they suddenly give a toss about me after all this time?  Or is it just a variation on that age-old popularity piddling contest of "I've got more friends than you", only this time it's done electronically?

Is it wrong, as a Christian, to think that actually, I'm quite glad I left some of these people behind?  Not that I wish them ill or anything - far from it - but I really don't want to be their 'friend'.  I don't want to be just another random name to add onto some stupidly long Facebook friends list.  I'm almost affronted that, after the 'fun' of being at school, they think they can add me and that I'll reciprocate.  "Sure, you ignored me/hit me/teased me/blanked me at school and I haven't seen you since we did our GCSEs, but of course I'll be your friend on Faebook".  Er, no.  Not likely.  I hope they're happy and settled in life, but I'm happy to leave it there and I have no real urge to find out.

Sure, I might only have tens of friends online, rather than hundreds, but I'd rather quality over quantity any day. And I'd rather have real friends, not some face and text on a screen.

I just wish I could escape the feeling that I'm one of the few people left who think that way any more...

[edit: can you tell I had PMT that day?]

thoughts, ranting, friendship

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