Tweets for Today

Aug 07, 2011 00:00

  • 00:39 @ EvelynHoskins you've obviously not been to Alabama yet! ;) #
  • 16:46 How is it 4.45 already? It seems like I never have enough time for my charity work. #
  • 18:08 Oh this really won't do at all! EXPLAIN YOURSELVES!! #
  • 20:24 I hate everyone involved in the advertising campaign. They must all suffer. #
  • 22:42 RT @Aisleyne1 Please this is a plea. Stop the riots in Tottenham. Yeah! Come on... Stop it! #
  • 23:34 Attention people of Tottenham. Aisleyne off of Big Brother and close friend of Amy Winehouse has asked you to cut it out. Thanks! #
  • 23:35 I have put BBC news on, you're not cutting it out. She's written a book you know! #
  • 23:36 Everyone who tweets her about it says it's a terribly good read. Why not loot a copy now THEN go home? #
  • 23:38 If you ARE looting a copy, can you get me a fridge freezer, with ice maker, I've got £20 to cover it. No, I mean cut it out people! #
  • 23:43 In all seriousness though, I don't think things are that bad in Tottenham as Babestation don't appear to be reporting on it. #
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