Guess what my OTHER current music is...the quiet murmurs of the 'rents in the adjacent room. They are more than extremely likely to be discussing me and our latest conversation. I must have picked a bad night to tell Dmom about England. Her reaction was the most unique yet...her first angle of offence was that I don't contribute financially to the
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When i first read your entry, minus what was obviously your family's input (:P) i think i may have agreed with you. Not sure if i agreed God had his hand in this- i think you know why i am unsure about that- but i admired the fact that you were willing to do something you wanted to do despite others' opinions. I for one am still working on living my life the way i want to and not worrying about what others think.
Then after reading all your comments, i realized what a duality reality we as women face. It is ideal that we go off and do our own thing and to love everything we do w/o having to worry what others think of us (women in particular are worried about and condemned more, i believe). But at the same time, b/c we are women and are the "weaker sex," unfortunately we are susceptible to violence at a higher rate than men.
I guess my point is that while it is important to take advantage of the great opportunities afforded to us and to enjoy ourselves, that it is also important that we do everything with discretion. I am thankful that at least you have met this kid before you travel across the ocean to see him, and i hope your family met him as well?
Hmmm, i think i might have more to say on the matter, but i need time to think about it and i probably need to hear more of the details.
Actually speaking of which, do you want to hang out sometime and talk this over, as well as other stuff? I haven't seen you in AGES. I'm free this Sunday and Monday if it helps, so let me know!
And, i never said Linda should disobey her parents' opinions. The point that i was trying to make is that her position is a rather sticky one. It is good to follow an elder's advice, yes, b/c a lot of times they have more experience than you do. But at the same time, it is important for a woman to learn to take care of herself and make her own choices- i really don't think anybody can become who they truly are and are meant to be if they never allow themselves to think for themselves. And parents will ALWAYS worry about their kids, whether you're 5, 10, 19, or 30. It's just the way of life. Rather incoherently, i am saying that i will be happy if Linda does what makes her happy, but that i really think she should listen to her family and take all necessary precautions, and do her best to help alleviate her parents' worries.
Ever considered working in mediation services? ;)
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