Guess what my OTHER current music is...the quiet murmurs of the 'rents in the adjacent room. They are more than extremely likely to be discussing me and our latest conversation. I must have picked a bad night to tell Dmom about England. Her reaction was the most unique yet...her first angle of offence was that I don't contribute financially to the
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On a lighter note I love you. I hope you get a chance to enjoy the weather and enjoy getting pissed at me in your response ;)
Yes, you are 19. You shouldn't fear criticism, but you can be instructed by it. What a great opportunity this is to display maturity beyond your young years by exercising grace and humility. One key way is by respectfully weighing the opinions of the people He's put in your life. There is such a rich benefit to the wide variety of everyone's perspectives. Please don't let your emotions rule your heart. Believe me they are a capricious lord. The same God who acts so mightily at all times also rules in men's hearts. You ought to give Him the time to make a straight path for you in EVERY aspect of this. (Lesson for me, too)
Please don't feel dumped on. I'm thoroughly confident that these comments are out of the deepest and most sincere love and concern for you. And I'm guessing that some of what you said was just a reaction to the circumstances. I love you, Honey!
and despite my encouragement linda, i have to admit, they have a point.
I really hope that you don't think that this schpiel is associated with the conversation(s) we've engaged in before on this topic. I heard, respected, prayed and thought intensely about all you had to say, because it is invaluable to me!
Therefore, I have benefited from everyone's input. The whole qualm here is that no one seems to think that God would watch out for me if I went. He's in control. I'm trying not to be. Need I emphasize that more? I said everything I meant or I would not have posted it.
Agh! I'm just going crazy because I live on a totally different brain-wave than everyone else always does (I guess I was created like that...). It seems (note: seems indicates that it could just be my reality and not the one everyone else exists in) like no one is quite catching my intentions or meaning of what I posted. Did anyone read the song? It said what I meant to portray.
I love you, too, Mom. And all the rest of you crazy critics out there *coughTIMcough*
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