The One You've All Been Waiting For...

Jun 08, 2005 21:19

TEN more posture adjustments as I sit to type this entry
NINE more preservatives added to this grasshopper cookie
EIGHT more problems discovered with
SEVEN more prayers for change
SIX more pages of e-mail to plough through and reply
FIVE more pay periods until London
FOUR more people to satiate as I finally update this (at least!)
THREE more pauses to rub my allergic eyes
TWO more patriarchs with whom to discuss the London trip
ONE more posting that includes a numeric summary (just for you)...

First things first: Here's something I found more than convincing last night after I finished the Biblical portion of my devotions last night. Time after time, confirmation continues to come. There's a book entitled Living Large in a Small World: The Difference Detween Dreamers & Doubters that I semi-stole from Grandma Nieman. I used to love picking one page out of the book and devouring the concepts contained in the page of wisdom. But months went by before I even remembered that it was hiding under my bed. This is the one page it opened to:

DREAMERS move by decision;
     DOUBTERS move by permission.

Now, now, Mom, don't get all worked up yet. I am not intending to assume that the author intended to let us be foolish and do whatever we want, without restraint. If you read on, he says these three things as well (although his overuse of commas and poor grammar overall really throws me off, so I've edited to suit the more proper-English-conscious among us):

1. Regret will only be motivated by something you did not pursue.
     2. Self-motivation always attracts the critcism of those afraid to move.
     3. Achievers never consult another's approval for identity.

"...And on the first day of the fifth month came he to Jerusalem, according to the good hand of his God upon him. For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach in Isreal statues and judgements." Ezra 7:9-10

I've always wanted to be and considered myself to be a dreamer. To me, this signified that it has been and always will be solely God's acceptance that I must seek. Guidance and godly counsel as well, most certainly. But in the end, it is He and He alone that I need to please. I guess I've just spent too much of my life trying to make sure everyone was happy with me, and that only happens when I fit into all their little boxes. But everyone's Box for Linda is different than God's. He knows what I need and how to "pretty" my box like no other. And to be honest (and a bit proud, I admit), I like the box He's making. It fits me.

On to other topics...

So last night, I had to go out to my car to get my water bottle at around 11:30. The minute that I set foot into the calm night air, I instantly found myself wrapped up in the magical wonder of the stars. So before I even reached my car, I sank to my knees and then laid on my back with my arms folded behind my head. My eyes never left the sky. I just stared at the unsearchable beauty of the sparkly white shimmers against the pitch black, speechless.

Well, me being who I am, I wasn't speechless for long. First, I vocalised to no one in particular that if I was a creation other than a human, I'd want to be a star. I never get bored of them. I love that they make a constant statement of faithfulness and consistency. Not to mention they are so darn interesting. They can illuminate and be the centre of an entire galaxy. Not that I'd want to be our solar system's sun per se, but it's incredible, isn't it?! Looking up at that magnificent a Creation makes me feel humbled that God would still want to know my most intimate life details and hold my life in His hand. It makes me feel special to be special enough to die for, too.

It didn't end there. I proceeded to pretend that the fast-moving airborne aeroplanes were slow shooting stars. Then, I started composing poetry aloud, smiling that I was again proving unintentionally that I certainly have some peculiar habits and traits. I thought of so many words that rhyme with '-ace' it's amazing! Maybe I should carry a voice recorder along with me for these sporadic moments of lyrical inspiration. Then my rap group would rule the world! I remained in that spot long enough that I started to fall asleep...there, blanketless, on the driveway of my house. I woke up and laughed in spite of myself.

My water bottle wasn't in my car after all. (commence applause)

In light of the previous story, all of my other journal topics seem to be dull and not very expressive of me. So I'll use the classic sentence format to tell you about the rest of my life for the day.

Just killed an ant that was crawling on my neck. No wait, it's not dead, it's suffering because I only wounded it. I think it's leg is broken. I must be sick to type things like this. Also just returned from Sarah B's house. Yes, I did actually finally make it there. We had a good talk. All is well. She blesses me so much. Working this much is making me whiny. I'm a little stressed, too. The ant has almost fully recovered and is walking like he's just had a Smirnoff or two, but with some stability. I had really good steak last night for dinner. I used to not eat steak. Dad, Diane, Grandma, and Brad are joining me for Preview Night for The Big Show. That's Homearama for those of you who can't catch on to my new phrasing technologies. So where's Erin's journal? The ant is climbing up the wall now. Grandma N and I had a very interesting talk about end times last night. Many interesting developments last night. Looks like another one of my sisters is considering marriage, but this time there's a little more counsel and transparency about it. Clear is good. Just not when referring to clothes. Moms don't like that stuff. But they like how Linda's posts are so fun and eventful and EXPRESSIONFUL of her personality. She must have gotten it from her cool Mom. Speaking of whom, mine called me today and we had the usual mutual encouragement session between the breakup of mobile technology and bad reception. I am very tired, but still as peaceful as ever. How this is possible I do not know. But I will not question it. Because I like it. And I hope you liked this post too (or were just happy when you got to the end of it...)

+ out like Mexicans from Mexico...+

classic linny, thoughts, i'm such a geek, faith, england, stars, christianity, quotable

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