12 Days Through Miles of Haze

May 09, 2005 13:33

I changed my layout to look like Tim's, so I don't have to buy a subscription to LJ after all. Yay! I think I'm going to keep this one for a longer period of time, because it's my favourite.

Wow this weekend was similar to an experience of watching Grandma N on a tilt-a-whirl...dizzying and amusing all at the same time! Highlight-mode will take over or else this will be an insanely long entry and I'll get typing cramps. First, some bits of good news!
  • Excel is over after Wednesday's unit test!

Ok, that sums up our good news of the day, I hope you enjoyed it!

~ * The Caterpillar on Crutches * ~

Friday: I went to youth group REALLY late, had a little private conversation beside Talia with K-Rod, and left poor Ben and Stephanie almost by themselves for leading the wild junior high teens in a game of ultimate frisbee in the dark because I was talking to Chelsea's sister Anna. Then, I locked up the church and drove to Katie's house to embark on our trip to Canada. Our plans changed to the point where we were trying to go Friday night and spend the night in a hotel to return on Saturday. Well, Chelsea never received the message to call me, so she went out with her IVCF friends and never called me back until 11:30ish when Katie and I resorted to sleeping instead of trying to make the trip (besides, we couldn't go without Chelsea!) It was okay in the end because Katie started feeling ill as the night progressed anyway. So, we shared the guest bed and I woke up about a hundred times because the aeroplane-blanket sized covers weren't sufficient for sleeping beneath. I slept well despite the minor inconvenience.

Saturday: Hmm, this isn't looking very highlight-mode-ish. Anyway, we told Chelsea that we'd pick her up at 9:30 and go out for breakfast...only we didn't get to her house until an hour later (so sorry, girl!!!). We ordered enormous meals at The Mill House (I had two large chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, bacon, and home fries). I still feel bad that I under-tipped our waitress. I swear Katie said "I think our server is getting over a black guy"--as I stared at her in astonishment that she would state something so convincingly with no outside knowledge of the person's personal life, she finished her sentence: "because she has a dark circle like a bruise under her eye." OH! She was saying black eye! Hey, they sound alike...

It was such a lovely day outside that we opted to go to a park, and I suggested Pineway Ponds. We chilled there for a while, and I had special fun rolling down the hill with pure abandonment and temerity (Yahoo word of the day!) and flipping myself upside down on the gymnastic rings. Katie was severely disappointed that the park had no swingset (since when haven't we had one? must have been during the stupid plasticating renovations), but it was made up for when we went for a jolly on the canal path. All I wanted to do was walk and throw stones into the water, so we found a spot with lots of rocks and stones and proceeded to watch earthy projectiles gurgle into the canal. It was here that I was officially labelled/verified as the wickedest child of us all. After the acknowledgement of that new discovery, I fell into a thoughtful silence that I am relieved neither of them seemed to notice. I threw some more rocks, this time, rebelliously out of frustration.

Katie had to be ready work later in the afternoon, and I needed to be in Brockport to lead worship with Rupe&Co. for church. Chelsea accompanied me to the house and allowed me to vent of other emotional stresses in my life, so we were late getting back to Katie's house. We still had fun eating cookie-cake (an entire one between us...under 5 minutes!) and teasing Danny, who is endlessly amused by our antics.

Church was amazing! Leading was pretty fun, though I was slightly late for that, too. I was thrilled to be the lead female vocal at the end of the service. The real best part was the sermon though because Pastor Bruce talked about having unfulfilled dreams, obviously an issue of deep interest to me. It offered hope and practicality to how I need to be handling my hopes for the future. Chelsea proved her best-friendness yet again when she walked up to me after the service and spoke the top three dreams in my life to me without saying a word. England was the top one coursing through my mind the whole time, to the surprise of no one! The others are somehow intricately related to that, because I seem to have made it a sort of idol in my life because I pursue it more desperately than the God Who gave it to me in the first place.

After all was said and done in that department, I was attacked by adoring fans until Chelsea came over, needing a ride home. Dad made me assure him that I would clean the house and prepare for Mother's Day once I got home. I needed to make a detour to see Mom Z, and both of us seemed glad that I did. She is such a cool lady! Kara comes back late this week, too! I guess that should be included in 'good news' as well, but I'm too lazy to scroll up there, copy and paste and whatnot.

Sunday: We did Mum's Day cards and every single person at the breakfast table had tears in their eyes except me. Brad's card even caused Dad to start crying it was so genuine and thoughtful. Now, my reservation was not caused by a hard heart, but rather one that must laugh when estrogen is that apparent in a room all in one moment (and only when it's safe to do so). We all went to Bethel, to the exceeding joy of Diane who reported that nothing would make her happier than to see all of her family going to church together. The ladies in the bathroom were really nice and friendly and gave me some cooking tips for the meal I was about to make.

Which brings me to my next topic excellently. I prepared a dinner of chicken on rice and broccoli. I myself was amazed that it tasted quite good! Brad and I had giant competition of who was the better child...I made dinner and told him to make Rice Krispie treats while I made dinner, because I knew that it was one of her favourite desserts of all time, and it was something simple enough for a boy to make. I so won. I mean, he was going to make brownies--of all the selfish things!! hehe

After the meal, we played an incredibly delayed and lengthened bocce tournament. My team lost to Grandma, Mark, and Dad. Once we played a traditional round of Push, we were allowed to visit Mom. Brad and I were thrilled that he could accompany me to her house this time. Mom and I had some quality 'competition love time' together, where she dotes kind, affirming words on us and we try to dote back, only to get doted on even more. It's really quite amusing to watch. My stepdad came home early...he called me over to himself and announced in a low voice, "Linda, I need to talk with you. Step in to my office." So, we walked outside to the bench swing, and he brought up the topic I was doomed for. Tim, this is all your fault, I kept saying to myself. He thinks I'm lonely and he won't believe me that I'm not. It was an interesting but a highly appreciated conversation. I love that the people who care most about me in my life are not afraid to be honest and real with me...even if it means they need to shut me down and kick my hiney to get me to see their point. But for pete's sake, I GET THE HINT!!

Mark the hero (who treated us to Dominoes pizza for dinner) joined Mom and I for a Rumikub skirmish/scrimmage. We let her win. End of story.

Reluctantly I returned Brad home, where we found Dad sitting on the couch like a tired washcloth. He was watching some Elvis special--there was something Elvishy on nearly every station he flipped through. Reminds me of the tabloid I saw while in line at the supermarket the other day. There was a picture of Elvis at a podium with a group of people surrounding him. The caption proclaimed: Elvis is Alive and He's Running for President! I laughed out loud because I know a lady who actually read and believed that stuff. I went to my room at about 11 and spent the next two hours seeking God. I spent some time worshipping with Delirious, praying my guts out, praying some more (but not so passionately), read some comforting Psalms, studied Rick Warren's steps to overcoming temptation. I woke up so happy today as a result of that.

Today: Was so early to school that I had time to stop at work and have my timesheet signed. I think whoever signed into my Yahoo messenger must have been someone from work, which has me more puzzled than anything. It was 9:18 last night, and there are only three people in my office... I worked on Excel homework during my break, took a break within my break and ate lunch outside, saw a random family of ducks walking through campus with about 15 ducklings waddling behind (I was the only cool kid with a camera to shoot the moment), suntanned (I have colour! at last...), and went back to finish my break. Finished Excel, remembered that I was supposed to spend that break catching up on last week's missed Word processing test, decided to update the journal first, and leave you all in peace after *gasp* almost three days without an entry.

Oh, and Rai called. That was a highlight of the day. So I leave you in peace.
out like stain-treating Shout

classic linny, commentary, dreams, countdowns, england

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