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Aug 12, 2008 21:46

Sorry I've been away, dear Fan Base (it's sad how I consider myself such a celebrity). My life is twisting into a million contortions and I have until Friday to figure it all out.

Yet, thankfully, I think I'm close to getting where I need to be.

After work, I was snacking on the leftover air-dried pizza from our successful information meeting, and I randomly walked into the student chapel room that is directly across from the lounge. The giant Bible that was donated by the college was open to 1 Peter, and I scanned the pages for some inspiration and encouragement in solving the giant questions that surround me.

I found some in Chapter 4, Verse 8: "Above all, love each other deeply, for love covers a multitude of sins."

Without grandiose, it said, "above all". That means more than my insecurities, my fears, and my selfish desires, I have the obligation to love someone else more if I want to be a genuine disciple of Love.

Discovering the real meaning of love never failing has now become a true test for me--perhaps more than ever. Love's dimensions are patient, kind, enduring, and faithful--exceeding even faith and hope in rank. They don't question the person being loved, and amazingly, those traits don't demand or expect anything in return.

So yeah, I'm still scared that I'll face disappointment when I give all I am to a cause at the inevitable risk of being unrequited in part or whole, but that is no excuse to give up on it. Ever.

Loving is hard, demanding work; that's the truth of it.

But as we also know very well, nothing is impossible to him/her/those who believe in the impossible being as nothing.

Quote of the day:
"Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it." - the Dalai Lama that case, I'm unstoppable.

christianity, life, love, faith

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