I have lots to say tonight, so most of this is going to be under an LJ cut (Facebook feeds, sadly, do not have this feature).
Today began with two family visitors stopping by to say hello, and they were faces I am always pleased to see. After brunch I laid outside in the sun for about an hour (it was nice to be outside for a change!) and intended to continue reading The Magician's Nephew by Lewis, but it was so hot that being still was far wiser. I enjoyed listening to the wind blowing through the trees, the birds chirping...and the lawnmowers and cars driving by.
--Hey, this is highly amusing stuff for a chick who spent the past two weeks nearly entirely vertical. Don't be hatin'.
Anyway, I had an afternoon appointment with my surgeon, who is at least a hundred years old. He reported that I am the fastest healer he had ever seen, but I still can't work for another two weeks. So, I'll be doing a lot more writing, but hopefully on a more productive front rather than the one where I just tell the world about my day and hope they care about it.
When I went home, I made a phone call to England hoping to reach Nick, but as he was not around, I spoke with each of his parents and had a very nice chat. They are some cheerful people on the telephone!! At two cents a minute, it's not a bad deal.
Now comes the fun part.
I was craving Taco Bell quesadillas (I'm ALWAYS craving Taco Bell; their chipotle sauce is narcotic, I'm sure of it!), but I also wanted chocolate chip muffins (but not together). We had muffin mix, so I made those instead.
But GUYS, I had extra chips that I put on the top of each of them in smiley-face patterns! All except one, because that one was frowning because I intended to eat it first. It was the DOOM MUFFIN of DESTINY.
Since I have another two weeks to chill on my bed and not do a whole lot per the doctor's orders, I'm going to watch some marathons. I'm beginning with one of my favourites, Lord of the Rings. Next, I'll probably do some television series and perhaps Back to the Future.
Finally, I would like to end with a little diddy I found on Yahoo's home page today.
NOTE: These figures are not verified by me, but I did highlight the ones that amused or intrigued me. Here's the link to the
original article:
"About one out of every three people in the United States thinks that winning the lottery is the only way to become financially secure. But the odds of winning a single state lottery are about 18 million to 1.
That’s why I laugh at my friends who buy lottery tickets-to me, it’s just throwing money away. The likelihood you’ll be killed by lightning is roughly 2,650,000 to 1-a lot more likely than winning the lottery.
Have you ever wondered how the odds stack up against each other? For instance, did you know that your odds of winning an Olympic medal are roughly the same as drowning in the bathtub? Check out these odds:
Odds of dying from a dog bite: 1 in 20 million
Odds of becoming a saint: 1 in 20 million
Odds of becoming president: 1 in 10,000,000
Odds of dying from parts falling off an airplane: 1 in 10,000,000
Odds you will be injured by a toilet this year: 1 in 10,000 Hahahahahahahahahaha, oh, it slays me.
Odds of finding a four-leaf clover on the first try: 1 in 10,000 Ok. How is that calculated?
Odds of spotting a UFO today: 1 in 3,000,000
Odds of dying from food poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
Odds of dying from a shark attack: 1 in 300,000,000
Odds of dying from Measles: 1 in 300,000,000
Odds of a child being in a fatal automobile accident: 1 in 23,000
Odds of being wrongly declared dead by a Social Security data entry mistake: 1 in 23,483
Odds of writing a New York Times bestseller: 1 in 220 Dream come true, here I come! All I have to do is write 220 books...
Odds of dating a millionaire: 1 in 215
Odds of getting AIDS from heterosexual sex without using a condom: 1 in 5,000,000
Odds of dying from contact with hot tap water: 1 in 5,005,564...ok, who does that?!
Odds of winning an Academy Award: 1 in 11,500
Odds of bowling a 300 game: 1 in 11,500
Odds of injury from using a chain saw: 1 in 4464
Odds of dying on a bicycle: 1 in 4472 [Three words: Beware old ladies.]
Odds of being murdered: 1 in 18,000
Odds of dying in a car accident: 1 in 18,585
Odds of getting arthritis: 1 in 7
Odds you don’t have health insurance: 1 in 7
Odds of dying from heart disease: 1 in 3 yikes.
Odds of an American woman developing cancer in her lifetime: 1 in 3
Odds that you will die from the collision of an asteroid hitting the earth in the next 100 years: 1 in 500,000
Odds of a non-felon being murdered with a gun: 1 in 500,000
Odds of being in a plane crash: 1 in 500,000 --comforting. at least that isn't odds of fatal plane crashes...