Haunting fingernail swanky plunk trace

Mar 13, 2008 20:08

Student Administrator. Resident Peer Editor. Genius. Psuedo Professor.

Those are my titles, though I never saw them coming. My classmates provided me with the all but the first, and another staff member bestowed me with that title (and job function) for this class. They entrusted top-secret documents with me!? I love being the youngest and not getting picked on for it--it's like payback for my sibling rivalry!

Now, they sound proud and haughty, but really it's nothing--I blushed with the mention of each one. But of course my online world sees a whole new side to me: the bolder, more courageous me that is dying to come out. Dying? Maybe that's the extreme sense of the word, but I am perfectly ok with that. I am drama (but mostly just the fun kind).

My last Thursday class is over, at least with a three-week reprieve. THAT will be nice. Really though, I absolutely loved every second of this writing class and I'm glad for the experiences it gave me.

There are big things happening trans-oceanically, but I don't want to divulge too much right now. Let's just say I'm open to whatever life offers.

Finally, this marks the end of flengagement boy, as he is due to lead another life with his new wife after the summer and he's done with the program here. Will the story of this saga be missed?

I'll let you decide.

Quote of the day:
"The price of religion, or of speech, or of the press, is that we must put up with a great deal of rubbish." - Robert Jackson

school, flirty boy

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