Oct 14, 2007 19:24
With the review one old e-mail, I found the ability to shed a tear of someone who is unbelievably in love.
This is one love that has been feeding to me steadily for the past two-and-a-half years, and it has always sent the same message: I'm here for you and I'm not leaving. In fact, I'll even fight for you and with you and will put up with you in your worst days and enjoy you all the rest.
Sometimes I can't hear or feel it, and that's when I get emo and frustrated and post secret entries on here about my rather silly reactions. I'm a loveleech; I crave to feel it at every moment and at all times. And sure, God loves me like that, but it's almost like He has to because He is love; however, what I'm talking about is the human connection of love.
What about when it's voluntary and still persists? That's what convinces me now.
With all the expectations and rules given in life, I naturally drift toward the unusual and unexpected. Lately I have felt as though I am a Lone Renegade and the people in all spectrums in my life will forever argue over whose fault that is. Frankly, I don't take sides on this issue anymore; I've found that people will react differently to the same thing and hate or love you based on what you do sometimes. And if it's not labelled as 'hate', estrangement is a pretty accurate description of what it is.
I can't control how people feel about me - opinions are in the eye of the opinioner. My views have been broadened since I saw the world outside my tiny box (literally and figuratively), and I'm not ashamed of what I've learned. It heightened my pride in the sense that now I am humbled to how limited my vision used to be to the hearts of other people.
For my part, I'm doing whatever I can to fulfill "loving with all of my heart, soul, and mind." Please who it may, putrify who it might, it's the way it is. If someone tries to tell me that love is a wicked and cruel thing, I will leave you to your opinion and hope that someday, we can talk about it and maybe reach an accord. Just realise that to me, what you say will always be your opinion, and the next guy might hold the same values and see it completely differently.
Maybe I'm just that 'next guy'. Maybe I misunderstand the world the way it "really" is, but isn't there a chance that you do, too? Someone who lives blind still lives, and they still have value. Give them reading glasses all you want, but you can't change who they are or their 'condition' (as you may perceive it to be). Teach them about the world as you see it, but don't expect them to walk the way you walk or feel strongly about the colour difference of black and white. They just don't know because their world is their own--every day is felt and lived entirely different from your own.
Are they wrong for being 'blind' in the first place? It's debatable, honestly. Who is calling them blind, you, or their Maker? Are they the same?? I should think not. Forcing a sightless person to picture the world as you interpret it will only give them a limited scope of what is available; you cannot ever supply the whole picture. Experience, patience, and yes, some guidance, might assist them in living life to the full.
But only God could provide that miracle of true sight for them. Who are we to think we have the power to turn hearts? I wish for once that someone would leave Him to it; perhaps that is the true blindness after all?!
Look, I don't know a thing, honestly. I'm just telling a world of images that I don't know answers, but I try my best to make life count. I'm finding my way through it; please be patient with me; this is how I do it.
I'm speaking my heart to the world, whomever that includes.
Quote of the day:
"Whenever I hear someone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally." - Abraham Lincoln
One hundred twelve hours until a long-awaited hug is requited! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!