I need more emotive icons...

May 13, 2011 15:39

It's now that I wish I could have a paid membership thingy to be able to use more icons, because I need them.

Well, my boss is certifiable now. HE HAS NO IDEA HOW TO RUN A BUSINESS. I'm quitting as soon as I find another one. JEEZUS ON A MUFFIN. I seem to be complaining a lot about that, huh?

Catching up on lots of anime and toku during my free time. Buying TRON: Legacy on Blu-Ray and DVD hopefully today or tomorrow. If I manage to snag a new job within the next month, I'm going back to dogsitting and random hours and shit.

I'm trying to find places to watchThunderbolt and Lightfoot and The Big Lebowski. JEFF BRIDGES FANGIRLS REPRESENT!

If anyone knows a chain store or business that might be hiring in the Chicagoland Illinois area, let me know PLEASE. TRAIN TICKETS COST $50 FRIKKIN' WEEKLY. HELP.


I NEED A BREAK NOW. *loads up Sailormoon*

tron, irl, work, fml, housekeeping, stupidity abound, hardcore fangirlism

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